The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds KI training for professionals in maternal & child health care and nutrition in Sub-Saharan Africa
With the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 40 professionals, in maternal and child health care and nutrition in Sub-Saharan African countries, will receive training comprising of 7.5 credits from Karolinska Institutet. The training programme is fully online and runs from August until September 2020.

Starting in August, 40 key persons in maternal and child health and nutrition will be educated on the midwifery-led interdisciplinary model of care as well as leadership and management in the health care system. The participants are a diverse group of professionals and include public health officials and professionals in hospitals and universities with medical and nursing education as well as non-governmental organisations. Participants come from Ethiopia, Kenya, The Gambia, Tanzania, Malawi, Nigeria and Uganda.

-The midwifery-led interdisciplinary model of care is the most beneficial for women, children and families around the globe. In this online course we will learn together and identify strategies for improvement in their specific context, explains Helena Lindgren, course leader and associate professor at the Department of Women's and Children's Health.
Initially the plan was to meet with the participants in one of the participating countries. However, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the course will instead run fully online, through prerecorded webinars and videos as well as interactive live online workshops and group work. The course amounts to 7,5 credits.
The first course sessions took place in early August and participants' initial feedback has been positive.
- It was a good introduction to us to think outside of the box and work as a team to make our goals achievable in our different settings. I am looking forward to learning more, says one participant from Malawi.
The training is implemented by the Department of Women's and Children's Health at Karolinska Institutet with the financial support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
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