Published: 21-10-2019 09:10 | Updated: 23-06-2022 10:34

StratNeuro Collaborative Grants 2019

StratNeuro awards a total of 1,6 MSEK to the following Collaborative Neuroscience Pilot Research Projects.

Thirty two proposals were submitted. Ten were invited to submit full proposals which were reviewed by 4 external reviewers.

The following research projects received funding (in alphabetical order of main applicant’s surname):

  • Neuronal and non-neuronal functions of neurotransmitter plasticity in health and disease.
    (Konstantinos Ampatzis & András Simon)
  • Genome-wide screen for sORF-encoded peptides controlling pluripotency and neural differentiation.
    (Simon Elsässer & Ernest Arenas)
  • Brain and Immune Function Associated with Self-Inflicted and External Pain.
    (Karin Jensen & Clara Hellner)

The following research project was placed as first reserve due to insufficient funds, but could be awarded, pending funding to StratNeuro in 2020:

  • Adult-born striatal neurons and their relationship with Huntington’s disease (Christian Göritz & Gilad Silberberg)
