Review paper about important database - LISA

Today, researchers from Karolinska Institutet publish a paper about ”The longitudinal integrated database for health insurance and labour market studies” (LISA) and its use in medical research. The paper appears in the European Journal of Epidemiology.
The so-called LISA database contains data from a large number of sources, and includes data on occupation and education. LISA is used by the government agency Statistics Sweden when they deliver data to medical researchers, says lead author and Professor Jonas F Ludvigsson.
Data on occupation in the LISA database have a completeness of 95%. Income data consist primarily of income from employment, capital, and allowances, including parental allowance. In Sweden, work force participation is around 80% (2017: overall: 79.1%; men 80.3% and women 77.9%). Education data are available in > 98% of all individuals aged 25-64 years, with an estimated accuracy for highest attained level of education of 85%.
The LISA database is used every day in Swedish medical research, says Ludvigsson. It covers all individuals in Sweden aged 15 years and upwards. LISA data allows researchers to examine socioeconomic outcomes, but also to adjust for socioeconomic factors, to better understand health and disease development.

Jonas Ludvigsson
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