Paper featured in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights

The Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage showcases a small number of articles recently published in the journal that the editors believe are particularly interesting or important, on Multidisciplinary, Life Science and Physical Sciences research.
Some of the most exciting work on the brain can be found on the Editors’ Highlights webpage called “From brain to behavior”, where a recent article from the Ampatzis laboratory entitled “Locomotion dependent neuron-glia interactions control neurogenesis and regeneration in the adult zebrafish spinal cord”, is featured.
Locomotion dependent neuron-glia interactions control neurogenesis and regeneration in the adult zebrafish spinal cord.
Chang W, Pedroni A, Bertuzzi M, Kizil C, Simon A, Ampatzis K
Nat Commun 2021 08;12(1):4857