Over 36 Mkr from the Swedish Research Council to MTC researchers

The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) has decided on grant applications within Medicine and Health 2024. Researchers at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology were granted over 36 Mkr together.
Marie Arsenian Henriksson, Division of Tumor Biology, will receive 5,6 Mkr in the years 2025-2028 for the project “Targeting MYC and Metabolism in Childhood Neuroblastoma for Precision Medicine”
Pia Dosenovic, Division of Virology and Immunology, will receive 5,6 Mkr in the years 2025-2028 for the project “Regulation of Memory B cells During Vaccination”
David Lane, Division of Tumor Biology, will receive 5,6 Mkr in the years 2025-2028 for the project “Targeting the c-MYC oncoprotein with stapled-peptides for cancer therapeutics”
Benjamin Nilsson-Payant, Division of Virology and Immunology, will receive 4,2 Mkr in the years 2024-2027 for the project “Characterisation of the molecular mechanisms of hantavirus polymerase function” within the Viral Zoonoses call.
Vicente Pelechano, SciLife Lab/MTC, will receive 5,6 Mkr in the years 2025-2028 for the project “Molecular dissection of nutrition-induced ribosome frameshifts, from cancer to aging”
Lisa Westerberg, Division of Virology and Immunology, will receive 10,0 Mkr in the years 2025-2029 for the project “From mechanosensing to nuclear response: revealing the role of actin regulators for B cell diversification”