New thesis: Patient experiences and the influence on health literacy and self-care using mHealth to manage symptoms during radiotherapy for prostate cancer

Hi Mats Christiansen, Licentiate at the Division of Nursing. On 22 February you will defend your Licentiate thesis ”Patient experiences and the influence on health literacy and self-care using mHealth to manage symptoms during radiotherapy for prostate cancer”, what's the main focus of the thesis?
My thesis examines how an app during radiation therapy against prostate cancer can facilitate symptom management. Specifically, it examines how an mHealth intervention is used and its impact on health literacy and self-care ability.
Which are the most important results?
The most important results are that the men were adherentin their reporting and that the app's symptoms were correct. The app contributed to a sense of security. The studies show that a significant proportion of men have a lack of functional and communicative and critical health literacy. The intervention group is also improving in communicative and critical health literacy during the study period.
How can this new knowledge contribute to the improvement of people’s health?
The use of mHealth interventions is useful as a supportive tool in this group of individuals.The proportion with insufficient health literacy are in line with previous studies, but show in an important area to consider for health-care professionals.
What´s in the future for you? Will you keep on conducting research?
I will primarily go back to my position as a lecturer at the Divison of Nursing.