New thesis explores and evaluates Tobacco Cessation on Prescription
Hi there Anne Leppänen, PhD student at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Prevention Policy and Practice (PPP), defending her doctoral thesis "Tobacco Cessation on Prescription – a primary healthcare intervention targeting socioeconomically disadvantaged areas in Stockholm". What is it about?

"It explores and evaluates Tobacco Cessation on Prescription as a new intervention to help patients in primary healthcare to quit their tobacco use with a focus on socioeconomically disadvantaged areas in Stockholm", says Anne Leppänen who will defend her thesis on 25 October 2019.
What are the most important findings?
"Tobacco Cessation on Prescription was perceived as a tool that could facilitate tobacco cessation treatment from the healthcare providers’ perspective. More patients also managed to quit their tobacco use with Tobacco Cessation on Prescription, compared to standard treatment."
"However, tobacco cessation treatment in primary healthcare needs to be strengthened and adapted to increase access to cessation support for disadvantaged groups. Interventions outside the healthcare system are also needed to further support this target group to quit their tobacco use."
How can this knowledge contribute to improving people’s health?
"Hopefully the knowledge can be implemented in practice to improve tobacco cessation treatment in Swedish healthcare and help more patients to quit their tobacco use."
What are your plans for the future?
"The plan is to continue to do research and evaluate the long-term effectiveness and potential implementation of the method."