Miia Kivipelto receives Stockholm Sjukhem’s professorial chair in clinical geriatrics at Karolinska Institutet

Professor Miia Kivipelto has received Stockholm Sjukhem’s professorial chair in clinial geriatrics at Karolinska Institutet. Based on a SEK 15 million donation over a ten-year period, the professorial chair aims at expanding geriatric research.
“With the professorial chair, Stockholm Sjukhem sets out to contribute to further our understanding of age-related diseases. Miia Kivipelto is an internationally renowned researcher who, together with her research group, conducts world-class geriatric research. We are very happy to have her on board with us at Stockholm Sjukhem. This is a substantial addition to research in age-related diseases, but also to education and development within this area, with the overall aim to give our elderly the best possible care”, says Dag Klackenberg, chair of Stockholm Sjukhem.
Long-term investment
The focus of the Stockholm Sjukhem’s professorial chair in clinical geriatrics is age-related diseases and care of the elderly. Miia Kivipelto will among other things develop a platform for high-quality clinical studies in dementia diseases.
“I am very glad and honoured to be appointed professorial chair in geriatrics. This gives us an opportunity to make a long-term investment in expanding geriatric research and connect our existing research with other aspects of ageing”, says Miia Kivipelto.
In addition to dementia, the research will look into other age-related diseases, comorbidity and medication among the elderly. Today there is a knowledge gap in terms of what is the best care for the very old, defined as those over the age of 85. The situation for these patients is complex, as they often have several diseases to consider when treating them.
“We also do not know which preventive interventions will help them age healthy. However, with the professorial chair we will access infrastructure and a patient base to help us better study these questions”, says Miia Kivipelto.
Inaugural lecture
An inaugural lecture will be held at Stockholm Sjukhem on 16 November 2016 at which, among others, Karolinska Institutet’s acting Vice-Chancellor Karin Dahlman-Wright will participate.
“The professorial chair is an important addition to Karolinska Institutet’s aging research and it is particularly valuable that the research will be conducted in close collaboration with Stockholm Sjukhem and the people the research aims to help”, says Karin Dahlman-Wright.
The mission also includes supervising doctoral students and to contribute to the research connection of Karolinska Institutet’s education in geriatrics.
Stockholm Sjukhem has previously donated two professorial chairs to Karolinska Institutet, one in geriatrics and one in palliative medicine. There is also other strong collaborations in research as well as work-place integrated learning.
Stockholm Sjukhem
Stockholms Sjukhem is a private hospital and nursing home owned and operated by a foundation formed in the 1860s. The work is primarily conducted on the basis of care agreements with municipalities and Stockholm County Council. Our areas of expertise and profiling are rehabilitation, palliative care and residential care for people with illness because of old age or neurological or dementia illnesses.