Published: 08-02-2023 13:35 | Updated: 17-02-2023 13:38
Members of the Council on Geriatric Research (Äldreforskarrådet) receive new appointments
The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs has decided on new appointments for all 14 members of the Government's Council on Geriatric Research and appointed Mats Thorslund as a new member. This means that NVS has four representatives on the council.

Top left: Laura Fratiglioni, Linus Jönsson, Miia Kivipelto and Mats Thorslund, NVS.
Laura Fratiglioni, Professor of Medical Epidemiology, in the Division of the Aging Research Center (ARC)
Linus Jönsson, Professor of Health Economics at the Division of Neurogeriatrics
Miia Kivipelto, Professor of Clinical Geriatrics at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Mats Thorslund, Professor Emeritus of Social Gerontology, affiliated with the Division of Aging Research Center (ARC)