Published: 18-02-2022 12:00 | Updated: 18-02-2022 12:04

Major donation from the Schörling Foundation to cardio-thoracic research at KI

Christian Olsson and Anders Franco-Cereceda
Christian Olsson and Anders Franco-Cereceda Photo: Stefan Zimmerman

The Thoracic Surgery research group at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery at Karolinska Institutet receives a 15 million SEK donation from the Schörling Foundation. The purpose of the donation is to enforce the development of cardiothoracic surgical technology and methodology and the related research by the group.

“It is very pleasing and a truly important donation to advance knowledge concerning a large and important spectrum of diseases. This donation enables further strengthening of the cardiothoracic surgical research area”, as expressed by group leader, Professor Anders Franco-Cereceda.

In cardiac surgery, focus is on the patient. Research, education, development all strive to contribute to safer, better and more efficient treatment modalities to benefit the patient. Educational and developmental activities may be equally necessary as research, providing results that can be swiftly implemented in patient care.

“To expand the range of treatments by novel methods, as well as evolving from an established method to an improved one can be an efficient clinical strategy to obtain better outcomes. Studies and education are part of organic development and transfer of knowledge”, says Associate Professor Christian Olsson, managing the educational and developmental effort together with Anders Franco-Cereceda.

About the Founding body

The Schörling Foundation is a non-profitable non-governmental organization financially based on a donation from Mr Melker Schörling, founder of the Schörlings Company. The purpose of the Schörling Foundation is to promote scientific education and research, by means of supporting current and vital projects, institutional and individual. Furthermore, the Schörling Foundation supports projects, organizations and individuals endorsing the child and youth development.