KI receives SEK 6.5 million in funding for COVID-19 research

Thirteen KI researchers have received funding from the Heart-Lung Foundation for their research on the new coronavirus. The grants total SEK 6.5 million, with approximately 40 per cent of the grants being distributed by the Heart-Lung Foundation (2021). The focus of the research is on the aftermath of COVID-19 where the disease has caused late complications on the heart, vessels and lungs. A total of SEK 15.7 million was distributed to 30 research projects at six different universities.
Researchers and projects that have received funding:
Charlotte Thålin at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, for the project "Prognostic biomarkers for severe COVID-19 disease and complications".
Peter Lindholm at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, for the project "Can we cure long-term symptoms after COVID-19 with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO): A randomised placebo-controlled drug trial".
Malin Nygren Bonnier at the Department of Neurobiology, Health Sciences and Society, for the project "Effect of specific interventions for patients with long covid-19".
Judith Bruchfeld at the Department of Medicine, Solna, for the project "Follow-up of patients with long-term effects of COVID-19 (long covid)".
Åsa Wheelock at the Department of Medicine, Solna, for the project "Home monitoring and molecular phenotyping of patients with long-term covid for subgrouping and follow-up of interventions".
John Pernow at the Department of Medicine, Solna, for the project "Vascular damage caused by red blood cells in covid-19".
Marcus Buggert at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, for the project "Mapping immunological factors in blood and lung linked to long-term covid".
Eddie Weitzberg at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, for the project "Treatment with dietary nitrate for complications in blood vessels and lungs after COVID-19".
Jacob Odeberg at the Department of Medicine, Solna, for the project "Prognostic biomarkers for severe COVID-19 disease and complications".
Anna Smed-Sörensen at the Department of Medicine, Solna, for the project "Studies of immune responses in the airways and lungs to understand the severity of disease in COVID-19".
Laszlo Szekely at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, for the project Treatable changes in lungs and heart identified by post-mortem examination of COVID-19 and post-covid patients".
Magnus Sköld at the Department of Medicine, Solna, for the project "Predicting pulmonary fibrosis and ventilation-perfusion mismatch in COVID-19 patients by CT and MR image analysis".
Petter Höglund at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, for the project "The role of platelet formation and coagulation disorder in COVID-19".