KI in top 10 of institutions with most publications on COVID-19 immunity

In a new analysis, Karolinska Institutet is ranked number eight in a list of organizations with the most published articles on COVID-19 and the immune response. KI also stands out as one of the universities that has had the most international collaborations in the field. The analysis was conducted by Chinese researchers without a connection to KI and is published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health.
The report is based on a total of 2,200 articles and 3,154 citations on COVID-19 and the immune response that were published between Dec. 1, 2019, and April 25, 2022. The authors analyzed research trends and compared the contributions of countries, institutions, researchers and journals.
The U.S., China and Germany top the list of countries with the most publications. Sweden is in place 13, but a tad higher when looking at total citations.
KI comes in eighth place in the ranking of research institutes with the most published articles in this area. That list is topped by the University of California school system in the U.S., followed by Udice and Inserm in France.
Among the top authors with the most publications, Assistant Professor Marcus Buggert at the KI Department of Medicine, Huddinge, is ranked as the world’s fourth most cited and productive researcher in the field of COVID-19 and the immune response. Marcus’ article on T-cell immunity during and after COVID-19 infection, published in the journal Cell in August 2020, is among the top 10 most-cited articles within the subject area.
KI also stands out for having among the most researchers who collaborated with peers at other research institutes.