KI calendar

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14 june

14 june 9:00 am
Clarence Crafoord, A5:04. Eugeniavägen 3
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Prognostic factors in colorectal cancer
Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, Kolorektalkirurgi
14 june 9:00 am
CMM, Lecture hall, L8:00, Karolinska universitetssjukhus, or digitally via Zoom
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Exploring Synbiotic treatment in ADHD, and immune-mediated prenatal risks for neurodevelopmental disorders.
Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, Translationell psykiatri
14 june 9:00 am
Torsten Gordh Auditorium S2:02 Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna
Local anaesthetics, fluid balance and perioperative outcomes in surgery for advanced ovarian cancer
Fysiologi och farmakologi
14 june 9:00 am
Testosterone is performance enhancing in women but challenging to detect in doping analyses
Kvinnors och barns hälsa
14 june 9:00 am
Rolf Luft Auditorium, L1:00, Anna Steckséns gata 53
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Clinical and radiological features of thoracic aortic disease
Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, Thoraxkirurgi
14 june 9:00 am
Omics-Based Immune Profile in First-Episode Psychosis: Revealing Biomarkers for Understanding Schizophrenia Pathophysiology

Fysiologi och farmakologi
14 june 9:00 am
Neo, Jan-Åke Gustafssonsalen, Blickagången 16
Campus Flemingsberg
Title: "Studies on the modulation of gene expression via 3’UTR editing to model and treat neurological disease"
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Neurogeriatrik, Andressoo
14 june 9:00 am
Omics-Based Immune Profile in First-Episode Psychosis: Revealing Biomarkers for Understanding Schizophrenia Pathophysiology

Fysiologi och farmakologi
14 june 9:00 am
Rockefeller (Nobels väg 11, entrance floor)
Campus Solna
Title: A problem-solving intervention for employees on sickness absence due to common mental disorders: effects, ethics and process
Institutet för miljömedicin
14 june 9:30 am
Lokalen, Jan Lindsten A4:04, NKS
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Tumour-draining lymph nodes in head and neck cancer - immunological signatures and clinical implications
Öron näs o halssjukd, Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik
14 june 9:30 am
Room 9Q Månen, floor 9, Alfred Nobels Allé 8
Campus Flemingsberg
Welcome to Wanda Christ's dissertation with the title "Hantaviruses and SARS-CoV-2: Cell Stress and Novel Antivirals".
Medicin, Huddinge, Centrum för Infektionsmedicin
14 june 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Welcome to the MolMet webinar with Dr Sarah Pickett, from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne UK.
Sarah will be discussing "mtDNA disease: Why are people affected so differently?"
Lectures and seminars
14 june 10:00 am
Hall Petrén, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden
Campus Solna
Welcome to Shreekara Gopalakrishna's dissertation on Tuesday, 14 June, 2024, with the title "Decoding the symphony : illuminating the mammalian mitochondrial RNA binding proteome with a novel interactome approach".
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Molekylär metabolism, Rorbach
14 june 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
In this presentation we will be demonstrating how KI RIMS can help you manage and reuse information about your group's members, publications, research grants and more. We will show how this information is used on, for your external group page. We will also cover the group-level reports…
Internal courses and training
14 june 1:30 pm
CCK Lecture hall, R8:00
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Lentigo Maligna Melanoma, a clinicopathological and Grenz rays management study

17 june

17 june to 20 june
Aula Medica, Nobels väg 6
Campus Solna
The upcoming ENCALS meeting will be hosted at Karolinska institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, from June 17-20 2024.
Conferences and symposiums
Klinisk neurovetenskap, Neuro
17 june 9:30 am
Campus Solna
Weekly staff meeting for everyone at MEB!

Lectures and seminars
Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik
17 june 10:00 am
Eva & Georg Klein, Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Campus Solna
Title: "The role of autophagy in Aβ and tau metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease"
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Neurogeriatrik, Nilsson
17 june 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm
Welcome to a free lunch webinar hosted by Professor Dorota Religa on Current Clinical Status of Amyloid-targeting Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Lectures and seminars
17 june 1:00 pm
Biomedicum, room B0812, Karolinska Institutet Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to Fabricio Romero Garcia's half-time seminar; "Vaginal microbiota for women's health: From bedside to bench and back".
Half-time seminars
Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, CTMR
KI webbförvaltning