Published: 25-10-2019 15:21 | Updated: 07-05-2021 09:00

John Övretveit co-author of the book Patient Engagement

John Övretveit, involved in the programme Patients in the driver's seat! Implementing patient-driven co-care innovations, have written a chapter in the book Patient Engagement-How Patient-provider Partnerships Transform Healthcare Organizations, which was published at Palgrave Macmillan in October 2019.

The book emphasizes how more changes are needed to fully mobilize experiential knowledge of patients, and ultimately improve our healthcare systems.

With contributions from researchers and patients all over the world, the book gathers a comprehensive overview of major achievements in patient engagement, analysing political, organisational and clinical contexts. By relating to the concept of a care partnership, the authors explore how this patient revolution can change, improve and innovate the ways in which care services are organised and delivered.

The chapter that John Övretveit has contributed bring forth examples from Sweden when it comes to joint care, which is very exciting as this is also a central part of the Patient in the driver's seat programme.
