Published: 29-10-2020 11:24 | Updated: 29-10-2020 11:24

Innovative Care Research receives funding from SFO-V

The Division of Innovative Care Research has been very successful in receiving funding from SFO-V (Strategic Research Area Health Care Science), with four of the seven awarded grants going to the research group.

The projects within the division which have received funding are:

Implementation of Proactive End-of-life Conversations in Residential Nursing Homes

Ida Goliath, with co-applicants Joachim Cohen, Lars E Eriksson, Terese Stenfors

This participatory action research project uses a multiple case study design to investigate the co-development, implementation and evaluation of proactive conversations about values and preferences for EoL care (PECs) between residents, family members and staff in 3 RCHs. We integrate research with change processes.

Linking the experienced and biological bodies for facilitating lung cancer diagnosis and monitoring treatment response: a biobehavioural healthcare science project

Lars E Eriksson, with co-applicants Janne Lehtiö, Maria Pernemalm and Carol Tishelman.  

This project aims to:  1) To discover a panel of markers for early diagnosis of lung cancer (LC) by linking patient-reported symptom data with the molecular plasma profiles, 2) to explore new molecular determinants of symptoms with unclear aetiology and mechanism, e.g. fatigue, cachexia, by analysing patient-reported data in relation to corresponding molecular profiles and 3) to further develop a patient-reported symptom tool (Peklung) for monitoring treatment response and experience of adverse effects during LC immunotherapy.

Using crowd-sourced data to learn from people’s experiences of covid-19

Carol Tishelman, with co-applicants Lisa Smeds Alenius, Britt-Marie Bernhardson, Lars E Eriksson, Ida Goliath and an international advisory team, consisting of researchers from Belgium, New Zealand and Canada.

In this project conducted in partnership with 20+ museums and archives throughout Sweden, we aim to analyze existing narrative crowdsourced data in relation to six different health care science-relevant research areas, to inform interventions with perspectives of those living through the pandemic in Sweden. Analysis will use both Natural Language Processing, i.e. machine learning in combination with more traditional qualitative analysis. The long-term goal is to be better able to support individuals, families, health and social care staff, and communities in civic society during and in the aftermath of covid-19 and similar situations.

But what really happens? Collaborating to generate indicators for societal impact of participatory community-based end-of-life research

A 'Blue Sky' project grant for innovative and more high risk projects was also awarded to Carol Tishelman with a  Swedish research team  including researchers with backgrounds in sociology, palliative care, ethics, choreography, social innovation and indigenous studies, and an international team from Belgium, New Zealand, Australia, England and Canada.

The aim of this new project is based on Swedish and international data derived at the intercept of public health and palliative/end-of-life care, and aims to investigate the societal impact of participatory action research (PAR) from the perspective of those who are the intended users of such research, and generate user and stakeholder-based indicators of impact relevant for broader future use. The analysis process will also be carried out using a PAR approach.
