Inauguration of the Centre for Nutrition

On December 16, 2022, the KI president inaugurated the Centre for Nutrition at Karolinska Institutet. More than 150 people attended the event with representatives from the funding agencies present; the Swedish Cancer Society, the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation and Formas.
The Centre for Nutrition is a newly established research centre at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut), at Karolinska Institutet. It explores how diet composition, dietary regimes, and nutritional supplements can be used to improve human health and longevity.
On December 16, 2022, the KI president Ole Petter Ottersen, declared the centre officially opened. After that followed an introduction to the centre by Professor Marie Löf (coordinator), Dr. Christian Riedel (co-coordinator) and Assistant Professor Federico Pietrocola.
Ulrika Årehed Kågström, Secretary general at the Swedish Cancer Society, Kristina Sparreljung, Secretary general at the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation and Johan Kuylenstierna, Director General at Formas held the introductory speeches, focusing on the importance of nutrition and physical activity in relation to health and sustainable living.

Around 150-200 people attended the inauguration meeting, with a mix of students, researchers, and other actors in the field. The afternoon was filled with an interesting scientific programme with sessions around Molecular Nutrition, Preventive nutrition, as well as Sustainable diets and eating, which are the three main research tracks for the centre. All sessions started with a keynote speaker followed by two shorter presentations.