Published: 17-03-2025 18:20 | Updated: 17-03-2025 18:28

Krister Sjörén has incurable cancer: ‘Death does not scare me’

Krister Sjörén. Photo: Lisa Wikstrand

A few years ago, Krister Sjörén started having a pain in his back and shoulder, especially when he worked out where certain movements became difficult to perform. At the health centre, the doctor could not provide any explanation. He did not take a PSA test either, which Krister find difficult to forgive him for.

Told to: Annika Lund, first published in Medicinsk Vetenskap nr 1 2025

"Then, very suddenly, in February 2023, I woke up with terrible back pain. Additionally, I lost control of more and more of my body - a paralysis was spreading. In the emergency room, I was examined with an MRI. A physiological change was discovered in my back, and I underwent emergency surgery. When I woke up from the anaesthetic, the doctor said I had incurable prostate cancer.

Fortunately, I love to exercise, because that is really what I have done. I have been able to return both the wheelchair and the walker. My balance is poor, and I walk slowly, but I can still walk.

I am receiving treatment that blocks testosterone. It works very well for me - I have no side effects, and all the levels related to the cancer are fine. The PSA value is not even measurable and the metastases have encapsulated themselves and do not seem active,’ according to the doctor.

Just when I had received my diagnosis, a counsellor called. She was supposed to call again but she never did, however it did not really matter. Death does not scare me. I do not want to be in pain, but I know it is possible to get a morphine pump and other good help. My wife died of cancer in 1997, and she received palliative care at home until the end.

I am a happy person, in general, who loves life and likes to approach things with a sense of humour. What gives me joy in life is my wonderful family. I have three daughters and five grandchildren. We are very close to each other, there is a lot of warmth and humour between us.

I am happy if I get to live until I am 80, and I do not need to get much older. My life has been and is good."

Told to: Annika Lund

Name: Krister Sjörén

Age: 73

Occupation: Retired roofer.