Published: 01-10-2018 16:09 | Updated: 28-05-2019 08:46

Full house when KI opened Biomedicum to the public

Svante och hans mamma under öppet hus i Biomedicum Karolinska Institutet

Nearly 1,500 people spent their Saturday in Biomedicum, when Karolinska Institutet held an open house for the public. Visitors could attend exhibitions, activities and lectures with KI researchers in the newly opened laboratory and learn more about stem cells, physical activity, pain, intestinal flora and much more.

The open house was a part of Karolinska Institutet's contribution to the programs of European Researchers' Night and Nobel Calling 2018.


Sali och Birgitta

Natalia och sonen Alexander räknar celler i mikroskop med hjälp av räkneverk. Foto: Erik Cronberg

Natalia och sonen Alexander räknar celler i mikroskop med hjälp av räkneverk.

Christer Höög

Jayne Natascha Nelli

Monter testa lungfunktion Biomedicum KI

Rena Einars Öppet hus KI Biomedicum 2018


symposium stamceller KI

András Simon

Matti Nikkola öppet hus Bioomedicum 2018