Five researchers from FyFa receive funding from the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation

We congratulate Daniel C Andersson, Johanna Lanner, Jon Lundberg, Carl Johan Sundberg, and Eddie Weitzberg, researchers at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (FyFa), for securing grants from the Swedish Heart Lung Foundation in 2023. In total SEK 5,9 million has been awarded the researchers at FyFa.

Daniel C Andersson
Daniel C Andersson, associate professor in physiology, lecturer, and research group leader at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology receives SEK 400,000 for the research project "Diagnosis, treatment, and mechanisms of heart disease in autoimmune myositis".

Johanna Lanner
Johanna Lanner, associate professor in physiology and research group leader for the molecular muscle physiology and pathophysiology research group at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology receives SEK 1.5 million for the research project "Molecular insight into muscle dysfunction induced by peripheral artery disease".

Jon Lundberg
Jon Lundberg, research group leader for pharmacological nitric oxide research receives SEK 2.4 million for the research project "Novel nitric oxide signaling modalities in cardiovascular regulation".

Carl Johan Sundberg
Carl Johan Sundberg, professor in molecular and applied exercise physiology at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, as well as the head of the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME), receives SEK 1,2 million for the research project "Effects of stair walking in individuals with hypertension and increased cardiometabolic risk - a randomized controlled trial".

Eddie Weitzberg
Eddie Weitzberg, research group leader for the nitrate-nitrite-NO system in disease and health receives SEK 400,000 for the research project "Monitoring the vascular endothelium in critical illness".