Current calls, week 48, 2024
Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls
Swedish and Nordic calls
BRIDGE Fellowship Program - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
This program provides former JSPS fellows, that currently are board members or regular members of either JSPS Alumni Club in Sweden (SAC), Finland (ACF), Denmark (ACD) or Norway-Japan Academic Network (NJAN), with an opportunity to re-visit Japan to create, sustain and/or strengthen research collaboration with Japanese colleagues for a period of 14-30 consecutive days. Program offers (1) A round-trip air ticket (2) Daily maintenance allowance (3) Overseas travel insurance coverage (4) Research support allowance covering cooperative research-related expenses. Revisits covers period from 1 July, 2025 to 31 March, 2026.
Closing date: January 10, 2025
“Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care” - European partnership Transforming Health and Care Systems (THCS) and Forte
THCS launches its third transnational call “Better care closer to home: Enhancing primary and community care”. The aim of this call is to fund research and innovation projects that strengthen primary and community health and care systems and provide policy and decision makers with the necessary knowledge and tools to govern the transitions needed in the primary and community care sector. Projects funded in this call will deliver promising financial, organizational, and practice-based service innovations that promote the transformation of health and care systems and contribute to faster exchange of best practices across different countries and regions.
Closing date: pre-proposal - 30 Januari 2025, full-proposal - 19 June 2025.
Fortbildningsstipendium - Svenska Sällskapet för Dermatologi och Venereologi (SSDV)
SSDV:s fortbildningsstipendium utges för att stödja Sveriges dermatovenereologers fortbildning genom att finansiera studiebesök på "centers of excellence" eller möjliggöra speciella utbildningar. Målet är att stipendiaten eller stipendiaterna skall få möjlighet att på sin hemmaklinik implementera nya tekniker, diagnostiska metoder eller behandlingar som kräver utbildning på extern klinik eller deltagande på särskild kurs. Sammanlagt 50 000 kr kan fördelas på 1-3 stipendiater. Pengarna skall användas för att finansiera kostnaderna för resa, logi och eventuell kursavgift men inte för att täcka kostnader för stipendiatens lön eller personliga kostnader under studiebesöket eller utbildningen. Kan sökas av alla SSDV:s medlemmar
Closing date: January 31, 2025
Funds for Nordic projects in 2025: Nordic Working Environment Committee - Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM)
The aim is to ensure a good and sustainable physical and psychological working environment for everyone throughout their working careers. In 2025, the committee will focus on psychosocial working environment (organisational and social working environment) in the areas of strengthening of: (1) the science-based knowledge on what kind of organizational measures reduce risks in the psychosocial work environment and effectively prevent work-related ill health in the long term; (2) the knowledge of practical challenges in preventive work environment and of concrete solutions and good practices that contribute to systematic prevention of psychosocial work; (3) the knowledge of effective enforcement methods in this area and evaluate the impact of the activities by supervisory authorities.
The main focus will be on the Nordics and the Baltic countries, the requirement is the participation of least three Nordic countries or two Nordic countries plus at least one non-Nordic country.
Closing date: January 31, 2025
Forskningsanslag – Svenska Läkaresällskapet (SLS)
SLS huvudsakliga uppgifter är att främja vetenskaplig utveckling och sprida medicinsk kunskap genom att dela ut medel till forskningsprojekt:
- Forskningsanslag inom tarm- och pancreascancer - Ulla Malmnäs Tjernlunds Forskningsfond
- SLS Tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt om äldre med multisjuklighet;
- Forskningsanslag SLS Klimat, hälsa och hållbar sjukvård
- SLS Allmänmedicin i samverkan - för forskning och forskningsmöjligheter inom primärvården. Projektet ska vara genomförbart inom en tidsperiod av två till tre år och inom en budget av storleksordningen 500 000 kronor;
- SLS Projektanslag - för medicinsk forskning;
- Björklunds fond - för forskning om ALS och likartade neurologiska sjukdomar;
- Cronqvists stiftelse - för forskning inom ögonsjukdomar, i första hand retinitis pigmentosa;
- Paul Frenckners fond - för forskning inom öron-, näs- & halssjukdomar;
- Gastroenterologisk forskningsfond - för forskning inom gastroenterologi;
- SSAC Foundation - for research related to the treatment of infectious diseases with antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic or antiparasitic agents.
- SLS Forskarmånader - för att bedriva forskning efter disputation;
- SLS Post doc-stipendium - för att bedriva forskning utomlands;
- Thomas Ihre stipendium - för att vidareutvecklas inom gastrokirurgi.
Closing date: February 1, 2025
The Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research 2025
Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research honour research of outstanding quality in basic and clinical medicine. Two prizes are awarded every year by the University of Oslo.
• The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize (main prize). The prize is a grant of NOK 1,000,000.
• The Anders Jahre Prize for Young Scientists (under the age of 40). The prize is a grant of NOK 400,000.
We are now inviting the medical faculties at the Nordic universities to nominate candidates.
To obtain information about possible candidates for the prize, The University of Oslo depends on input from the medical faculties at Nordic universities. We therefore request the assistance of your faculty to distribute this invitation. Please find enclosed a letter of invitation to nominate candidates that we ask you to distribute to the professors of your faculty.
As stated in the letter of invitation, only serving professors of medicine have the right to nominate candidates.
We encourage you to nominate both females and males in both prize categories.
Nominations should be in pdf format and not exceed 3 MB in size. Please e-mail your nominations to the secretary of the prize committee, Ingunn Rode Grorud (
Nominations must be received before February 1, 2025. The board of the University of Oslo has decided that proposals shall be kept strictly confidential.
Questions can be addressed to the chair of the prize committee, Professor Ludvig Magne Sollid
Further information
Nominera forskare till SNS-priset
Priset ska gå till en yngre forskare som lyckas nå fram till beslutsfattare med sina resultat.
Det är öppet för alla att nominera. De nominerade ska vara högst 45 år gamla under året då priset delas ut, ha doktorsexamen och vara verksamma vid universitet eller jämförbar akademisk institution.
Prissumman är 200 000 kronor. Prisutdelningen äger rum den 12 juni 2025.
Syftet med priset är att lyfta fram pristagaren som en förebild som inspirerar andra forskare. Målet är att bidra till att mer forskning når ut och kommer till användning och att långsiktigt främja återväxten av forskare som engagerar sig i detta.
Läs mer om priset och hur du nominerar här: SNS-priset
Sista nomineringsdag är den 3 mars 2025.
Vid frågor så går det bra att höra av sig via mejl till
European calls
Research grants and Postdoctoral Fellowships in neuromuscular disorders - Association Francaise Contre les Myopathies (AFM) (French Muscular Dystrophy Association)
The French Muscular Dystrophy Association invites applications for its medical research call for proposals in neuromuscular disorders. This supports medical research projects that aim to improve the care and management of patients, the knowledge or neuromuscular disorders and their progression, as well as the quality of life of patients affected by neuromuscular disorders. Projects may focus on the following research topics:
•natural history of disease and/or epidemiological studies;
•patients' management or healthcare;
•neonatal screening projects;
•assessment of new outcome measures;
•e-health and artificial intelligence.
There is a particular focus on biomarkers and outcome measures to more efficiently assess neuromuscular disease drugs or medical devices.
The following grants are available:
• Research project;
• Post-doctoral fellowship.
- Research grants are open to researchers or clinical investigators holding a permanent position or equivalent, in an academic, governmental or private institution. Proposals from groups outside France are strongly encouraged to include a French component.
- Postdoctoral fellowships are open to candidates who have defended their doctoral thesis before the payment of the fellowship.
- Research project grants are for one year, renewable for a second year, and exceptionally for a third year. Funding can range from 40,000€ to 100,000€ per year;
- Post-doctoral fellowships are for one year, renewable for a second year.
Please note that for Fellowships, indirect costs are ineligible.
Deadline: 21 January 2025, 5pm Paris time.
Non-Stipendiary Junior Research Fellowships - Linacre College, University of Oxford
Linacre College proposes to make elections to a variety of Junior Research Fellowships to individuals who are engaged in or intending to engage in research at post-doctoral level in an academic department of the University of Oxford.
Fellowships can be held in any academic discipline, as well as others intended for those in the following fields: Biological, Chemical, or Medical Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Biosciences, Astrophysics, Music, or studying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its relationship to social, emotional, mental health and education.
Eligibility: Applicants who do not yet have a higher research degree will normally be expected to have submitted for a doctorate before taking up a Junior Research Fellowship. These Fellowships are non-stipendiary and therefore candidates must demonstrate they have adequate funding and the support of their academic department for the duration of the Fellowship. Normally, the successful applicants will not have held a DPhil/PhD for more than five years, but the College will apply discretion when considering applications from those who have taken a career break.
Deadline: 8 January 2025
Upcoming Postdoc Fellowship to UK: Royal Society, UK
This fellowship is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK. Research must be within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics.
Activity location: UK
• Applicants must have a PhD or be in the final stage of their PhD provided that it will be completed (including viva) before the start date of the fellowship.
• Applicants should have no more than seven years active full-time postdoctoral experience at the time of application, including teaching experience, time spent in industry on research, honorary positions and/or visiting researcher positions.
• Applicants should be working outside the UK and should not hold UK citizenship at the time of application.
• Applicants who are not currently employed are still eligible.
• Applications from individuals who have not studied or worked in the UK previously are encouraged as the scheme aims to establish new links between the applicant and the UK.
• Individuals already living, working, or undertaking research in the UK are not eligible to apply.
• Individuals working outside the UK but employed by a UK organisation are also not eligible to apply. • Individuals who have lived, worked or undertaken research in the UK in the 12 months prior to the application deadline are not eligible to apply, with the exception of short-term visits of less than three months in total and applicants who are refugees in the UK according to the Geneva Convention.
• Applicants who completed their PhD at a UK organisation must have been working and based outside the UK for at least one year at the deadline for the application.
• Applicants proposing to return to their UK-based PhD organisation and/or PhD supervisor or to their postdoctoral supervisor will normally be considered to be ineligible and so applicants must have exceptional reasons for proposing to do so.
• Proposed Fellowships must be carried out in the UK at the UK host organisation for the duration of the Fellowship.
• Applicants must be competent in oral and written English.
• Individuals who have previously been in receipt of a Newton International Fellowship are not permitted to apply again.
This call is repeated once a year.
Opening date: 21 January 2025
Deadline: 18 March 2025
US calls
Federal Funding
Novel Mechanism Research on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms (NPS) in Alzheimer's Dementia (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-065
Upcoming deadlines: February 05, 2025; June 05, 2025; October 05, 2025
Abstract: The goal of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to encourage applications for studies that will enhance knowledge of mechanisms associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD) or Alzheimer's disease-related dementias (ADRD). The findings are expected to advance mechanistic understanding of both bio behavioral and neurobiological pathways leading to NPS. Findings may also provide insight into novel therapeutic targets that can be advanced into interventions to treat and prevent the development of NPS in AD and/or ADRD.
Systematic Testing of Radionuclides in Preclinical Experiments (STRIPE) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Opportunity ID: PA-25-174
Upcoming deadlines: February 05, 2025
Abstract: Through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI) solicits R01 research projects utilizing state-of-the-art cancer biology methods and model systems to study effects of different types of radiation used in radionuclide-based therapeutics (e.g., radiopharmaceutical therapy) on normal tissue, tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment.
Enhancing Reuse of NHGRI Data Assets (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-HG-25-005
Upcoming deadlines: February 13, 2025; February 13, 2026
Abstract: The purpose of this concept is to encourage the genomics research community to leverage data sets available through NHGRI’s AnVIL platform for innovative research and secondary analysis projects. As the NHGRI-designated data repository specified in NOT-HG-24-020, AnVIL makes available large amounts of data, tools and resources generated primarily by NHGRI-funded programs and initiatives.
Translational Research in Maternal and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Funding Opportunity ID: PAR-25-110
Upcoming deadlines: February 5, 2025; June 05, 2025; October 05, 2025
Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support translational and clinical research to (1) advance precision medicine in pregnant persons, lactating persons, and children through the development of novel tools, models, and other technologies that could have a direct clinical or health impact; (2) enhance the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of drug action, including the role of pediatric ontogeny and the dynamic physiological changes that occur during pregnancy and lactation; and (3) discover and develop novel therapeutics or enhance the usage of existing drugs or drug repurposing for safer and more effective medications in pregnant and lactating persons, neonates, and children. The overall goal is to improve safe and effective precision therapeutics for pregnant and lactating persons, fetuses, neonates, and children, including those with disabilities.
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), US - Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers Rising Innovator Research Grant, in partnership with Pelotonia & AACR
Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 23rd January, 2025; Full application (by invitation) – 24th April, 2025
Amount: $700,000 over three years. Indirect costs are not allowed.
Eligibility: Applicants must be female investigators with a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. Applicants must also have received their first NIH R01 (or equivalent) award within the past 10 years
At the start of the grant term on September 1, applicants must: Hold an appointment at the rank of associate professor and must devote at least 75% of their total effort to research in breast or a gynecologic cancer. Applicants must be AACR Active members in good standing (dues paid for the current year).
Abstract: The Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers Rising Innovator Research Grant, in Partnership with Pelotonia & AACR, is intended to fund innovative research projects in breast and gynecologic cancers and to invest in female scientists at the Associate Professor level domestically and globally to foster innovation in the understanding, prevention, interception, early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of these cancers with the goal of eliminating cancer health disparities and improving patient outcomes. Proposed projects may be in basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences. Proposals focused on research into the causes of cancer health disparities and approaches to achieve equity in outcomes as well as applicants belonging to racial or ethnic groups shown to be underrepresented in the cancer-related sciences workforce are especially encouraged.
Coalition to Cure Calpain 3, US - Award for Research into Calpain 3 and Calpainopathy
Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 15th December, 2024; Full application – 29th March, 2025
Amount: $250,000. No indirect cost coverage.
Eligibility: To be eligible to apply for this grant, applicants must be a professional or faculty member (professor, associate professor, or assistant professor). Early career investigators and multi-institution collaborations are encouraged and will be given special consideration.
Abstract: Coalition to Cure Calpain 3 (C3) provides funding for research and translational projects to expand the understanding of calpain 3 and Calpainopathy (including LGMD2A/R1 and LGMD1I/D4) to enable development of therapeutic approaches for this disease.
Thrasher Research Fund, US - E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards
Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 14th January, 2025; Full application – 17th April, 2025
Amount: $550,000 over 3 years. 7% indirect cost coverage.
Eligibility: Principal Investigators must be qualified in terms of education and experience to conduct research. A doctoral-level degree is required.
Abstract: E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards focus on projects that are changing pediatric clinical care. The award is open to applications focusing on any disease or topic within the umbrella of pediatrics, both in and outside the United States. Ideal applications for the Thrasher Award address significant health problems, offering the potential for practical solutions to these problems. Projects with a shorter distance to clinical applicability are given priority. Hypothesis-driven research is critical, exploratory, or hypothesis-generating research will not be competitive. For projects focused on improving disease diagnosis, please ensure that there are well researched, effective treatment options available to patients upon diagnosis.
Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), US - Research Fellowships
Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 8th January, 2025
Amount: $50,000.
Eligibility: Must have an MD, PhD, DO, DVM, or equivalent degree by June in the year of award activation. This award includes complimentary membership to the Society.
Abstract: The mission of HRS is to improve the care of patients by promoting research, education, and optimal healthcare policies and standards. To this end, HRS has established a post-doctoral research fellowship scholarships in cardiac electrophysiology to encourage and support the research training of MDs, DOs, and PhDs in either basic or clinical electrophysiology. These scholarships assist recipients in initiating careers in electrophysiology research while obtaining significant research results.