Published: 18-10-2024 10:03 | Updated: 18-10-2024 10:03

Current calls, week 42, 2024

Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls


Research Initiation Grants for Data-Driven Life Sciences and Society - Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) 

The call aims to provide funding for research investigating the human and social challenges of data-driven strategies developed and applied within the life sciences. The research should aim to increase the understanding of how using artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems, and data-driven methodologies has effects and consequences in the life sciences, medicine, and/or society. The call also aims to promote collaborations between researchers from the data-driven life sciences and the social sciences and humanities.

Closing date: November 4, 2024

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8th joint call for proposals to foster cooperation between Québec and the Nordic countries in the areas of culture, society, and research and innovation - Nordic Councils of Ministers (NCM)

The Nordic Council of Ministers and the Government of Québec, invite applications for their call for cooperation between Québec and the Nordic countries in the areas of culture, society, and research and innovation. The aim is to facilitate concrete cooperation in the areas of culture and innovation. Each project must include at least two institutions and/or stakeholders from two different Nordic countries, and one Québec partner. Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland Islands are considered as Nordic countries. Financing - 50 000 DKK per project per year for a maximum of two years.

Closing date: November 11, 2024

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Starting Grant – Swedish Foundation

The Swedish Foundation invites applications for starting grants.  The call addresses young researchers in Sweden who scored among the best in the most recent European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant call, but did not receive funding due to budget constraints. The funding is equivalent to an ERC Starting Grant. 

Applicants must fulfil all the following criteria to be eligible: (1) have applied for an ERC Starting Grant in the 2024 call (ERC-2024-StG); (2) received a grade ´A´ after step 2 or the interview; (3) not have been granted funding from ERC (or elsewhere for this project); (4) not be on the ERC reserve list; (5) the host institution must be in Sweden, this applies to both the original ERC application and the SFSG application; (6) the applicant must also have applied for an ERC Starting Grant in the recently closed call ERC-2025-StG, if fulfilling eligibility criteria.

Closing date: November 12, 2024

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Postdoktoral anslag - Svenska Sällskapet för Medi­cinsk Forskning (SSMF)

SSMF Postdoctoral Grant är treårigt och syftar till att ge yngre forskare möjlighet att meritera sig för att kunna etablera sig som självständiga forskare. Anslaget är till för postdoktoral forskning inom medicinsk vetenskap och kan sökas för hel- eller halvtid, där anslag på halvtid är avsett för personer som i sin ordinarie tjänst är kliniskt verksamma, exempelvis läkare. Obs! Kravet om forskningstid i Sverige har sänkts till 6 månader från tidigare 12 månader. Ändringen kan ha betydelse för sökande som kommer till Sverige från annat land.

Closing date: November 15, 2024

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Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

  • The Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships at Nanyang Technological University Singapore

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has established a long-term postdoctoral fellowship program at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. The purpose of the program is to bring outstanding young Swedish scientists to NTU for two years of postdoctoral research and studies. The program is open for all disciplines at NTU. 

  • The Wallenberg Foundation Scholarship Program for Postdoctoral studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Broad Institute

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has established a long-term scholarship program for postdoctoral studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Broad Institute. The purpose of the program is to bring outstanding young Swedish scientists to MIT for two years of postdoctoral studies. The program is open for all disciplines at MIT and Broad Institute. 

  • The Wallenberg Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship at Stanford University, USA

The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation has established a long-term postdoctoral scholarship program at Stanford University. The purpose of the program is to bring outstanding young Swedish scientists to Stanford University for one to two years of postdoctoral study and research. The program is open for all disciplines. 

At the time the postdoc period starts, the applicants should have a doctor's degree from a Swedish University no older than 2 years after the dissertation date as well as a connection to a Swedish University or corresponding non-profit research organization.

After completing their postdoctoral visit at either of these universities/institutes, the Fellows/Scholars will be supported upon their return to Sweden and use their experience for the benefit of Sweden. 

Closing date: November 15, 2024

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Research infrastructure project - Nordic Gender Fond, University of Gothenburg 

The Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, at the University of Gothenburg, has established a Nordic Gender Fund as part of a long-standing effort to support the infrastructure for a broad field of research on gender and other power structures. The fund will be announced once a year. Applications for funding can include journals, conferences and networks for research on norms, beliefs and structures that create, reproduce and maintain inequality based on, for example, gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, class and age. The Nordic Gender Fund is accepting applications for all types of costs, including salary costs, for activities carried out in 2025. 

Closing date: November 15, 2024

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Forskningsinstituts - doktorand – Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning (SSF) 

Syftet med utlysningen är att stödja excellent forskning, att främja korsbefruktning mellan olika sektorer och att bidra till utbildning av strategiskt konkurrenskraftiga doktorer. Bidragen ska gå till anställda på ett forskningsinstitut som vill ta en doktorsexamen inom naturvetenskap, medicin eller teknik. Programmet vänder sig till personer som inte redan är antagna till en doktorandtjänst.

Åtta projekt kommer att beviljas 3,25 miljoner kronor vardera där bidraget ska täcka medel för forskning och forskarutbildning för en doktorand som är anställd vid ett forskningsinstitut, som samverkar med akademin. Den som får bidraget ska under hela bidragsperioden vara till minst 80 procent anställd vid forskningsinstitutet. Bidraget löper under fyra till fem år och ska resultera i en doktorsexamen.

Closing date: November 29, 2024

Sök Forskningsinstituts-doktorand! - Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning ( 


Projektbidrag och doktorandstöd - Stiftelsen Sävstaholm 

Stiftelsen stödjer forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt kring barn, ungdomar och vuxna med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF). Bidrag ges till vetenskaplig forskning som är nyskapande och bedrivs med hög kvalitet samt till mer generaliserbart utvecklingsarbete som kan komma denna grupp till godo. Vid bedömningen prioriteras sådan forskning som syftar till att förbättra levnadsförhållanden och delaktighet för barn, ungdomar och vuxna med IF. Projekt där personer med IF själva kommer till tals välkomnas.

Closing day: February 1, 2025 

Ansökan om projektbidrag (PM) | Stiftelsen Sävstaholm (


Call for Funding: "Education, outreach and networking support - SFO Stem cells and Regenerative medicine 2025”

The SFO Stem cells and Regenerative medicine announces up to 6 educational grants to support regular seminar series, symposia or well-defined educational and outreach activities within the area of stem cells, regenerative medicine and cellular therapies.

Deadline: 28th of November 2024

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European calls

Research Grants - European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) extended deadline  

The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) offers one-year Research Grants of €30,000 to help candidates under 40 years old in obtaining research experience in a high standard academic centre in an ESC Member country other than their own.

The purpose of the grant programme is to provide an opportunity for specialised research in the field of non-invasive imaging modalities (Echocardiography, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac Computed Tomography), in order to help doctors to achieve experience and skills in a high standard clinical centre or University with a large domain expertise within an ESC Member country other than their own.

This programme can be considered as a valorisation of the geographical mobility as well as cultural exchanges and professional practice in the field of cardiology.


  • Under 40 years old on the day of the application deadline and
  • Members of the EACVI Silver level on the application submittal day
  • Citizens or residents for tax purposes of a country which is a regular ESC Member country or an ESC Affiliated Member Country
  • Medical graduates at any stage in their career
  • In agreement with a host institution:
  • outside their own country or the country in which they followed their initial medicine training (if it is a regular ESC Member country)
  • which not only offers good research opportunities but is also the most appropriate for the particular research subject.
  • A hosting institution that has been selected in the winning candidates' application form cannot be chosen again for the following year (i.e. an institution cannot be selected two years in a row).

    A candidate who already has a grant (irrespective of who is sponsoring him/her) cannot apply for an EACVI as no overlapping is accepted.

    A candidate can re-apply for an EACVI Research Grant in the following year based on the below criteria:
  • If they have not already been awarded an EACVI Research grant
  • If they have not been awarded a grant from the ESC or one of its constituent bodies during the same year.
  • The final validation of the application will be subject to visa acceptance (if necessary).

Deadline extended to: 30 October 2024. 

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Post-discharge malaria chemoprevention - World Health Organization (WHO)

Unitaid is soliciting proposals for the following intervention, aimed at accelerating implementation and generating evidence to catalyse the adoption and scale-up of PDMC to address the burden of childhood anaemia and malaria.

Multi-country implementation of PDMC with robust evidence generation that responds to key knowledge gaps to inform future guidance and accelerate uptake.

Projects should include implementation projects, delivered in diverse representative settings, to generate robust, transferable evidence on the impact, operationalization, and cost/cost-effectiveness of PDMC delivery – with a vision to informing national scale-up.

Deadline: 4 Nov 2024

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College for Life Sciences fellowship - Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin

The Institute for Advanced Study in Berlin invites Early-career postdoctoral scientists to live and work on the campus of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin and attend the weekly colloquia in the area of life sciences.

Eligibility and requirements: all life scientists who have obtained their Ph.D., MD, or Dr. med.  foster postdoctoral fellows up to the level of lecturer, junior/assistant professors, and junior principal investigators working in all life science disciplines. You have at least one lead-author publication in a peer-reviewed journal. There are no restrictions as to which life science discipline, nationality, or age. If you have been a principal investigator for longer than five years, though, you are advised to apply for a regular fellowship at the Wissenschaftskolleg. Applications from scientists working at institutions in Berlin cannot be taken into consideration.

Deadline: 1 Nov 2024

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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2023-04-two-stage - Innovative Health Initiative fourth call for proposals on the 3Rs, patient-centric blood sample collection, clinical trials, and the environmental impacts of healthcare

The Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking invites proposals for its fourth call. This supports projects that pioneer the patient-centred integration of knowledge, technology and products covering every aspect of care to improve patients' lives across Europe and beyond. The call includes the following topics:

  • expanding translational knowledge in minipigs - a path to reduce and replace non-human primates in non-clinical drug safety assessment;
  • patient-centric blood sample collection to enable decentralised clinical trials and improve access to healthcare;
  • inclusive clinical studies for equitable access to clinical research in Europe;
  • establishing novel approaches to improve clinical trials for rare and ultra-rare diseases;
  • safe & sustainable by design (SSbD) packaging and single use device solutions for healthcare products;
  • sustainable circular development and manufacturing of healthcare products and their quantitative environmental impact assessment.

    Deadlines: 8 Nov 2024 Preliminary Proposal; 24 Apr 2025 Full Proposal.

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Reminder: Warren Alpert Foundation Prize 

On behalf of the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize Scientific Advisory Committee, we write to remind you to nominate for the 2025 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize. The prize recognizes one to five scientists whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure, or treatment of human disorders or for seminal research that holds great promise to change our ability to treat disease. 

Scientists of all nationalities and institutional affiliations are eligible to receive the prize. The scientific advisory committee strongly encourages nominations of women and under-represented candidates. 

The deadline for receipt of nominations is November 8, 2024.

To submit a nomination for the 2025 prize, please visit the website

If you need assistance or have questions about the nomination process, please contact Edward Canton at  

US calls


Federal Funding

Epidemiologic Research on Emerging Risk Factors and Liver Cancer Susceptibility (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: PA-25-121

Upcoming deadlines: February 05, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to promote epidemiologic research investigating novel and innovative hypotheses on emerging risk factors (biological, environmental, and social) and their interplay with established risk factors (e.g., viral hepatitis) associated with the development of liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma and other histological subtypes) in the United States. 

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HEAL Initiative: Understanding Individual Differences in Human Pain Conditions (R01 - Clinical Trial Optional)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-NS-25-020 

Upcoming deadlines: February 06, 2025

Abstract: The goal of this NOFO is to support studies that focus on the collection of clinical and/or preclinical data to enable evidence-based modeling and understanding of inter-individual differences and/or heterogeneity of pain occurring with use of pain therapy/management, or with conditions such as a second pain condition, a comorbid health condition, a comorbid mental health condition, or conditions of use / misuse of opioids, alcohol or other substances. 

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Human Brain Single-cell Genomics Explorer (U24 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-NS-24-038 

Upcoming deadlines: February 14, 2025

Abstract: The NIH Blueprint for neuroscience is soliciting applications to pilot the establishment of an integrated resource for users to explore, analyze, and download processed deidentified human brain single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics data that is harmonized across reference and disease datasets. The resource will generate a unified cell type taxonomy and provide users with a draft annotatable cell-type nomenclature and the ability to map community generated single cell omics data to the taxonomy. This pilot will lay the groundwork for an expanded and sustained effort to increase utility and accessibility of human cell-type classification data across multiple NIH consortia.

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Research on the Neuro-Immune Axis in the context of HIV and Substance Use (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DA-25-004

Upcoming deadlines: November 13, 2024

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support research towards identifying and characterizing neuroimmune networks, communication pathways, and targets that reside within neuroimmune axes, in the context of HIV and substance use. This NOFO will also support research on the discovery of novel modulatory probes/tools that can advance our knowledge of the regulatory mechanisms by which neuroimmune interactions contribute to HIV and substance use disorder comorbidity. Applications testing a fully conceptualized premise founded with adequate preliminary data are appropriate for this NOFO. Exploratory research projects should consider applying to the companion R21 announcement RFA-DA-25-005.

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The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF), US – Parkinson's Disease Therapeutics Pipeline Program

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 16th January, 2025

Amount: Up to $2,000,000 over a period of 2 years (preclinical programs) or 3 years (clinical programs). 15% indirect costs may be requested.

Eligibility: U.S. and non-U.S. public and private non-profit entities in collaboration with publicly or privately held for-profit entities. Early career investigators (within 1-7 years of first independent appointment or equivalent) are encouraged to apply and are permitted to serve as Principal Investigator (PI); Post-doctoral fellows are permitted to serve as Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI).

Abstracts: This program seeks to advance therapeutic development through pre-clinical and/or clinical testing of approaches addressing unmet needs of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The program is set up to benefit therapeutics with clear potential to prevent, stop, or delay disease progression or to reduce the burden of daily symptoms. Funding will support projects aimed at:

Pre-Clinical: Identifying, validating and/or developing novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions through pre-clinical development from early screening to pre-clinical characterization and testing.

Clinical: Progressing promising interventions with strong pre-clinical packages into/through initial clinical assessment exploring pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, safety/tolerability, or early proof of biology and/or clinical efficacy.



American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), US – Multiple grants

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 1nd December, 2024

Amount: Up to $50,000 over a period of up to two years. Indirect costs are not covered by these grants.

Eligibility: applicants must hold a full-time clinical or research position where the research will be conducted and be an Active, Candidate, International, or Associate member of ASPS or obtain sponsorship from an Active ASPS member at your institution.


National Endowment for Plastic Surgery Grant - This grant is intended to support applications which translate clinical or basic science research findings into clinically relevant advancements or tools with a high likelihood of impacting daily practice and patient care within the next few years. 

PSF Directed Research Grant Breast Implant Safety - Studies designed to assess breast implant safety, including local and systemic complications and illnesses related to breast implants, will be considered. Proposals that examine implant surveillance techniques and imaging are also invited. Basic, translational and clinical research studies are all within scope.



Meso Foundation, US – Grants for Mesothelioma Research

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 15th December, 2024; Full application – by invitation

Amount: Up to $100,000 for two years ($50,000 per year).

Eligibility: Investigators who have a doctoral-level degree and a full-time faculty position or equivalent at a college, university, medical school, or eligible not-for-profit research organization globally. Junior investigators with an interest in a career focus in mesothelioma are strongly encouraged to apply to this RFA. As part of their application, they should identify an established mesothelioma researcher as their mentor and provide a career development and mentorship plan in the context of their application.

Abstract: Areas of Interest (not listed in order of priority): Novel therapies for mesothelioma for both pleural and peritoneal; Health-related quality of life assessment incorporating the social determinants of health (SDOH); Novel strategies for screening and early detection; Novel strategies for risk assessment and prognosis stratification; Immune mediated complications of immunotherapy in mesothelioma; Improving personalization of therapies; Mechanisms of treatment resistance/failure; and/or Mesothelioma biology and etiology.



Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), US – Microbial Pathogenesis in Alzheimer's Disease 

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 10th January, 2025

Amount: Up to $100,000. No indirect costs are provided. Total salary support for PI and Co-PI (if applicable) should not exceed $15% of budget (this includes fringe cost).

Eligibility: Both members and non-members of IDSA are encouraged to apply. PhDs and MDs are welcome to apply. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Clinical and basic scientists are encouraged to apply. 

Abstract: Grants provide funding to identify a potential microbial link to Alzheimer’s disease. All awards must be narrowly focused on elucidating the possible roles of infectious agents in the causation of Alzheimer’s disease. The grant awards will support innovative research including basic, clinical and/or non-traditional approaches. This includes proposals that span the breadth of the microbial world, including bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses and microbial synergy, among other possibilities.



Intuitive Foundation, US – Clinical Research Grants 

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 6th January, 2025; Full application – 7th April

Amount: $75,000. Total costs may include no more than 20% indirect costs and the total budget, including both direct costs, indirect costs, and any applicable taxes, should not exceed $75,000.

Eligibility: Multiple grants will not be funded simultaneously to any principal investigator. Grants are awarded to principal investigators at their institution. If there are any changes in the principal investigator or group’s ability to conduct the proposed research, the Intuitive Foundation reserves the right to reconsider the award. 

Abstract: The purpose of these grants is to support clinical research at non-profit institutions worldwide focused on the field of robotic-assisted surgery. Successful proposals will study important questions related to surgical care and patient outcomes. Research Areas of Interest: Clinical Outcomes-Based Research (United States, APAC, Europe, Africa and South America); Imaging, Vision and/or Navigational Research (all regions); Health Economic and Outcomes Research including Cost-effectiveness and Cost-utility Studies related to Robotic-assisted Surgery (all regions); New Procedure Exploration; and Development Research (all regions)
