Published: 26-09-2024 16:12 | Updated: 26-09-2024 16:12

Current calls, week 39, 2024

Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls


Forskningsanslag - Fonden för Psykisk Hälsa  

Fonden stödjer psykiatrisk, psykologisk och suicidpreventiv forskning i Sverige genom att dela ut forskningsmedel till registrerade doktorander som har genomfört sin halvtidskontroll och till postdoktorala forskare inom fem år från disputation. Särskilda utlysningar 2024:

  • ‍Suicidforskning, i samarbetet med Suicide Zero som avsätter riktade medel till unga forskare som är verksamma inom suicidforskning och suicidprevention.
  • ‍Barn och ungdomars psykiska hälsa, i samarbetet med Stiftelsen Frimurarna Barnhuset i Stockholm (SFBS).

Ansökan ska skickas till

Closing date: October 15, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Region Stockholms Innovationsfond  

Innovationsfond delar ut 15 miljoner kronor till projekt som skapar nytta för Stockholms invånare, patienter och resenärer. Fonden ger alla medarbetare en möjlighet att bidra till utvecklingen av hälso-och sjukvården, trafiken, kulturen och tillväxt- och regionalplaneringen. Medel kan sökas både för nya idéer och för projekt som har kommit en bit på väg (ny ansökan, fortsättningsansökan eller implementeringsansökan). Alla som arbetar minst halvtid inom Region Stockholm, eller hos arbetsgivare som har avtal med och uppdrag från Region Stockholm, kan ansöka om medel för både nya och pågående projekt.

Closing date: October 18, 2024 at 12:00

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Postdoktorala tjänster - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) 

MSB utlyser medel för finansiering av postdoktorala tjänster inom området samhällsskydd och beredskap. Utlysningen har två inriktningar: svenskt civilt försvar (max 2 400 000 kr/projekt) och internationell inriktning samhällsskydd och beredskap (max 2 700 000 kr/projekt). Medel kan sökas för postdoktorala projekt på minst 1,5 år och högst 2 år. 

Closing date: October 23, 2024

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Nätverksbidrag - Svenska Läkarsällskapet (SLS) 

SLS utlyser tre nätverksbidrag a 150 000 kr för att strukturellt stödja nationell klinisk behandlingsforskning. Stödet är tänkt som etableringsanslag, avseende två år, med möjlighet att söka för ytterligare ett år efter nyttjat bidrag. Behöriga ansökningar innefattar minst tre lärosäten, gärna regionala enheter från minst två discipliner.

Closing date: October 31, 2024

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Stipendier - Syskonen Svenssons stiftelse för medicinsk forskning

Stiftelsen har till ändamål att genom stipendium samt forsknings- och reseanslag till läkare och vetenskapsmän understödja undersökningar och arbeten för bekämpande av de svåraste folksjukdomarna. Anslag kommer företrädesvis att ges till yngre forskare inom 2 år efter disputation.

Closing date: October 31, 2024

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Research grants - SFO Stem cells and Regenerative medicine 2025-2026

The aim of the call is to support excellent research within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Furthermore, we aim to strengthen and support high-quality translational health research fostering collaboration between fundamental/pre-clinical and clinical research.

Research grants - The SFO will during 2025 support up to 6 junior research grants and up to 7 senior research grants for projects within the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine. The senior grants are open to all candidates and the junior grants are open to candidates up to 12 years after obtaining their PhD. Applicants should be affiliated 100% at KI and/or the Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm) at the time of starting the grant. Applicants who received grants from this SFO with a disposition right including 2025 (last funding round and granted extensions) are not eligible to apply. Funded projects will be supported with a total of 2 MSEK/year. Grants can be used to cover salaries, running costs, equipment and administrative costs. A researcher is limited to submit only one application for a research grant or a Tandem grant.

Tandem grants - The Tandem grant scheme aims to strengthen and support high-quality translational/clinical research at an international level. StratRegen invites collaborative project applications from a fundamental/pre-clinical researcher and a clinical researcher, with the goal of fostering the transition from basic research to clinical translation and vice versa. The SFO will during 2025 support up to 3 clinical-translational research grants for projects within the area of stem cells and regenerative medicine. A fundamental /pre-clinical scientist and a clinical scientist must jointly apply for a project that is clinically relevant, cross-disciplinary, and translational in nature. The project should aim to advance patient treatment or diagnosis or enhance the understanding of underlying disease mechanisms. Both applicants are expected to contribute substantially to the project. 

The application should be submitted as a single pdf to Daniel Holl, Karolinska Institutet ( 

Closing date: November 8, 2024 

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Stipendium - Riksföreningen för Sjuksköterskor inom Urologi (RSU) 

Syftar till att stimulera sjuksköterskor till utveckling av vården av urologiska patienter. Stipendier kan sökas för resor för konferenser, utvecklings- och förbättringsarbeten, kurser, utbildningar och hospiteringar. Behöriga att söka är legitimerade sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom urologi och har varit medlemmar i föreningen i minst ett år.

Closing date: November 30, 2023

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Forskningsstipendium – Svenska Ödemförbundet (SÖF)                        

SÖF:s stipendium om 100 000 kr stöder forskning om kroniska ödem. Forskningen ska ske inom något av nedanstående områden: (1) Lymfologi; kunskap om lymfsystemets anatomi och fysiologi; (2) Lymfsystemets sjukdomar och komplikationer; (3) Diagnostik; metoder för diagnosticering i ett tidigt stadium, riskminimering; (4) Non-invasiva behandlingsmetoder; metoder som stimulerar lymfflödet för att förhindra försämring i form av volymökning; (5) Livskvalitet för patienter med lymfödem, lipödem, Dercums sjukdom och/eller venösa ödem som utvecklat lymfödem; (6) Patientundervisning/lymfskola; metoder för att lära sig leva med lymfödem/lipödem/Dercums sjukdom och/eller venösa ödem som utvecklat lymfödem; (7) Rehabiliteringsmetoder. Kan sökas av medicinska lymfterapeuter och annan legitimerad vårdpersonal, som är medlemmar i SÖF.

Closing date: December 1, 2024

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DD2 Research Grant 2024 - Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF)

Supports the cardiometabolic research environment in the Nordic countries, while enhancing the use of ‘Danish Center for Strategic Research in Type 2 Diabetes’ (DD2) data, with a particular focus on promoting DD2 to new and external researchers. The purpose of the call ‘DD2 Research Grant’ is to promote cohort-related research within the field of cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs), while maintaining and improving a unique Danish type 2 diabetes (T2D) resource. Using DD2 data, projects supported by the ‘DD2 Research Grant’ should lead to better understanding, treatment and prevention of T2D complications, its interactions with other CMDs and improved quality of life for people with T2D. Projects must be anchored at a hospital, university, or other non-profit research institution in a Nordic country (Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden). Grants are between DKK 1 million and up to DKK 5 million for projects lasting from 1 to 3 year.

Closing date: December 10, 2024                                  

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European calls


Call for proposals on applied omics approaches to address unmet clinical needs in RMDs – FOREUM

The Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (FOREUM) recognizes the growing importance of novel omic technologies beyond transcriptome analysis such as proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics in advancing our understanding and management of rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders (RMDs). We are pleased to announce our latest call for research proposals focused on harnessing these emerging and increasingly important omic technologies for hypothesis-driven research in RMDs. The proposals should start from and focus on a clearly articulated unmet medical need and aim to provide solutions for the identified challenge. Pure screening approaches without functional validation of the hypothesis will not be funded. This call aims to support collaborative consortia of at least three partner universities to undertake research that would be challenging to fund through generic calls across disciplines. By fostering collaboration and innovation, we aim to catalyze transformative research that will ultimately benefit individuals living with RMDs.  Proposals may be funded with up to a maximal amount of 600.000 Euro for a 3-year funding period.

Deadline (Letter of Intent): 27 October 2024

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BJA-ESAIC ‘Early Career’grants – European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care 

The BJA-ESAIC Grants are a collaborative initiative between the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC) and the British Journal of Anaesthesia Charity. The aim of these grants is to support early career researchers in conducting high-quality anaesthesia-related studies that can improve clinical practice and patient outcomes. Applicants should have received their highest degree (PhD, MD, DMD, DVM, or equivalent) no more than five years (basic scientist- clinician) before 1 January in the year the Grant is awarded (2024). For clinicians holding more than one qualifying degree (e.g. MD PhD) or with a clinical specialist degree/board certification, the time since the first degree may not exceed ten years before 1 January in the year the Grant is awarded (2024). Existing projects or studies that have already received a grant either from a private, not-for-profit, industry or institutional source, will not be funded. Two awards worth up to €60,000 each are available.

Closing date (short application): 30 October 2024 

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Pioneer Research Award - The European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)

The Pioneer Research Awards initiative aims to support and encourage independent clinical research in the field of cataract and refractive surgery. The competition is open to ophthalmologists up to the age of 45. Eligible participants must hold a full-time clinical or research position at a clinical or academic centre within the European region. 

The Pioneer Award aims to fund various new initiatives, which may include:

  • A novel research idea for the development of clinical trial studies.
  • A non-interventional or observational study.
  • A natural history/epidemiological study.
  • A comprehensive series of retrospective case-control studies.
  • A patient or disease registry.

Successful applicants may receive up to €50,000 for a project with a duration of no longer than two years. 

Closing date: 30th October 2024 

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Bilateral collaborative grants – European Hematology Association (EHA) 

These aim to encourage and support collaboration between two independent research groups in basic/translational hematology research, that are located in two different European countries.

The two Principal Investigators (PIs) must be independent researchers or group leaders and have a full appointment at an academic institute. At least one of the PI’s must be a junior independent group leader, within 5 years of conducting independent research. If an applicant is a physician scientist, at least 50% of their time should be dedicated to lab research. You must be an EHA member or EHA guest to apply for an EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grant. Grants last for two years and provide an annual financial award of €160,000 to be divided equally between the two research groups.

Deadline: 15 October 2024 

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US calls


Federal Funding

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Consequences of Prenatal Fentanyl Exposure

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-DA-26-003

Upcoming deadlines: September 13, 2024 until September 08, 2026

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to promote research on neurobehavioral, neurological, and potential teratogenic effects of prenatal fentanyl exposure in humans and in animal models. Research Areas (may include, but are not limited to): Potential Prenatal Fentanyl Syndrome; Epidemiology; Human development; Preclinical models; Mechanism; Developmental consequences; and/or Therapy.

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Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Application of Artificial Intelligence in Treatment Development for Substance Use Disorders

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-DA-26-005

Upcoming deadlines: June 05, 2025 until September 08, 2028

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to elicit projects that would leverage the power of generative AI/ML and predictive models to accelerate medication discovery and development for treatment of SUDs while reducing the risk of failure. Areas of Interest: De novo design; Identification; Optimization; AI-enabled virtual screening; Chemical synthesis design; Intelligent neuromodulation protocols; Combinatorial approaches; Implementation of AI/ML algorithms; AI/ML-based software as a medical device (SaMD).

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Cellular Models of HIV Pathogenesis within NIDDK Mission Areas (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-DK-25-021

Upcoming deadlines: March 20, 2025

Abstract: This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) invites applications that are focused on developing, using, and/or improving cellular models that recapitulate critical aspects of normal human physiology, such as microphysiological systems, organoids, and other three-dimensional models, to explore the interaction of HIV with tissues and processes within NIDDK's mission areas. Projects are expected to investigate mechanisms of viral persistence, latency, reactivation, eradication, or pathological processes contributing to co-occurring conditions.

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Discovery and Development of Novel Therapeutics for Select Fungal Pathogens (R21/R33 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: RFA-AI-24-065 

Upcoming deadlines: March 20, 2025

Abstract: The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) is to support milestone-driven, early-stage translational research focused on drug discovery and development of novel therapeutics against select fungal pathogens including: Candida species, specifically Candida auris; Aspergillus fumigatus; Coccidioides; and Mucorales. This NOFO will use a milestone-driven, biphasic award mechanism. Transition to the R33 phase will depend on the successful completion of specific milestones during the R21 phase.

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Alzheimer's Association (ALZ), US – Zenith Fellows Award Program

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 13th November, 2024; Full application – 19th March, 2025

Amount: Up to $450,000. Each award is limited to $450,000 total funding (direct and indirect costs) over a period of up to three years. Requests in any given year may not exceed $250,000 (direct and indirect costs).

Eligibility: Only established independent investigators are eligible as evidenced by: Applicant must be an Associate Professor or above at the time of application. Major, peer-reviewed, external multi-year grant support on which the applicant is the principal investigator (PI). Independent laboratory operation. Quality and independence of publication record. Only applicants who have already contributed significantly to the field of Alzheimer’s and other dementia research and/or have the clear likelihood of making significant contributions will be seriously considered.

Abstract: The objective of the Zenith Fellows Awards competition is to provide funding support for investigators who: Have contributed significantly to the dementia science field – Alzheimer’s and all other dementia research. Have contributed significantly to neuroscience breakthroughs that have informed our broader understanding of Alzheimer's and other dementias. Are likely to make substantial contributions in the future. The proposed research should address fundamental problems related to early detection, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment or prevention of Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. The proposed research must be on the cutting edge of basic science or biomedicine and thus may not conform to conventional scientific wisdom or may challenge prevailing orthodoxy.



Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc. (BSF) – Research Grant Program

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 1st December, 2024

Amount: Up to $100,000. 1-3 years in duration.

Eligibility: Through this program, BSF seeks to provide seed grant funding to young and established investigators. Young/non-tenured Investigators are allowed to budget up 75% of the total grant amount as PI salary.

Abstract: The Barth Syndrome Foundation (BSF) and our International Affiliates welcome innovative applications that address the basic, translational, and clinical research challenges of Barth syndrome. BSF seeks to provide seed grant funding to young and established investigators to help catalyze generation of preliminary data that are required for successful follow-on funding from institutions like the National Institutes of Health.



Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), US – Directed Research Grant

Upcoming deadlines: LOI – 15th March, 2025; Full application – 15th May, 2025

Amount: Up to $450,000 over a 3 year period. Indirect costs are not allowable.

Eligibility: Applicants do not need to be members of the SRS but do need to have at least one SRS member as a co-investigator.

Abstract: Research should focus on creation and validation of improved outcomes measures for adult spinal deformity patients that can be readily applied globally and across the range of low- to high-resource healthcare systems. Priority will be given to multi-center and preferably multi-continent study applications. The successful applicant(s) will work with an SRS-appointed Steering Committee of experienced individuals. The Steering Committee will be available for guidance, provide input, and aid in assessment of progress throughout the project. To the extent possible, resulting work product will be expected to be branded or co-branded through the SRS, with negotiated ownership/co-ownership.



The Rivkin Center, US – Pilot Study Awards

Upcoming deadlines: Full application – 2nd December, 2024

Amount: $75,000. Awards may be approved for up to a 2 year project period.

Eligibility: Investigators at the assistant, associate, or full professor level (or equivalent) are eligible to apply, subject to guidelines of the applicant’s home institution.

Abstract: The Rivkin Center is announcing funds for Pilot Study Awards to be allocated based on scientific merit. Pilot Study Awards support investigator-initiated projects in all areas of ovarian cancer research. In addition, projects designed to analyze data from already funded clinical trials will be considered. Funding priority will be given to proposals that are: Innovative; Multidisciplinary; Likely leading to submission of grant applications for independently funded investigations; and/or Conveying translational research potential.
