Published: 13-09-2024 08:45 | Updated: 13-09-2024 08:45

Current calls, week 37, 2024

Tips from Grants Office regarding current calls

Swedish and Nordic calls


Forskningsanslag – Promobilia 

Stiftelsen utlyser projektanslag för forskning och utveckling med syfte att främja ett aktivt och självständigt liv hos personer som lever med funktionsnedsättningar. Stiftelsen ändamål är att stötta utveckling och spridning av tekniska hjälpmedel, särskilt för ökad rörlighet, samt vetenskaplig forskning för att skapa nya hjälpmedel och återskapa rörelseförmåga och kommunikationsmöjligheter för funktionsnedsatta. Projektanslag ges till 1-, 2- och 3-åriga projekt. Du kan söka 500 000 kr/år i upp till tre år.

Closing date: October 14, 2024

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Forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt - Statens geotekniska institut  

Utlysningen är öppen för forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt som genom innovativ åtgärdsteknik kan bidra till en mer hållbar hantering av de miljörelaterade utmaningar som förorenade områden för med sig. Inom utlysningen ingår föroreningar som utgör stor risk för negativ påverkan på människors hälsa och/eller miljön i mark, vatten och sediment och som har orsakats av framför allt miljöfarlig verksamhet. Projekt som ligger nära praktisk tillämpning prioriteras liksom projekt med fokus på teknik med relevans för många förorenade områden i Sverige. Ny kunskap ska bidra till att saneringstakten i Sverige ökar och miljökvalitetsmålet ”giftfri miljö” kan uppnås snabbare.

Bidrag för två typer av projekt kan sökas i utlysningen: 

  • Förstudier (maximal projekttid 2 år), 5 miljoner kronor; 
  • Fullskalestudier (maximal projekttid 3 år), 500 000 kronor.

Closing date: October 21, 2024

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Postdoktorala projekt - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) 

Utlysningen har två inriktningar: inriktning svenskt civilt försvar, och internationell inriktning samhällsskydd och beredskap. Projekt är på minst 1,5 år och högst 2 år. Anslag är max 2 100 000 kr för inriktning svenskt civilt försvar och max 2 400 000 kr för internationell inriktning samhällsskydd och beredskap. Kan sökas av disputerade forskare vid svenska lärosäten eller forskningsinstitut som avlagt doktorsexamen tidigast 23 oktober 2021.

Closing date: October 23, 2024

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Grants – Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE) 

The call aims to strengthen client and practice-oriented research within the social services sector through collaboration between academia and practice. Call focuses on eight areas prioritized by FORTE: (1) The effects of interventions; (2) Methods for needs assessment for individuals; (3) Early/preventive measures of the social services; (4) Implementation and change management; (5) Coherent service provision initiatives; (6) User participation; (7) Digitalisation and welfare technology; (8) Non-profit and entrepreneurial providers of social services.  The main applicant must be linked to an approved administrating organization, and must have completed a doctoral degree when the call closes.            

Project grants support individual research projects to investigate and answer a defined question. The research projects should be planned and carried out in collaboration with the social services. Amount: There is no maximum amount for this type of grant, but the requested budget must be justified in the application. Time period: Grants can be provided for a period of two to four years.

Programme grants strengthen and promote the expansion of research environments and enable research groups to address new issues and work with them over a longer period of time. The research programmes should be planned and carried out in collaboration with the social services. Amount: Maximum of SEK 24 million Time period: The grants are approved for six years.

Practice-oriented research fellow grant aims to promote the link between research and social services practice and gives persons with a PhD working with social services issues outside of the academy the opportunity to carry out research and translate their research experience into practice. Amount: There is no maximum amount for this grant type, but applied salary for the main applicant may not exceed more than 50 percent of full-time employment for a period of two to three years.

Collaboration grant is a new type of grant that can be used to finance activities that contribute to a knowledge-based and knowledge-developing practice within the social services or to strengthen the conditions for practice- and client-related research. The activities should be carried out in collaboration between research and practice and the grant can be applied for by a constellation consisting of at least one researcher and one representative from practice. Amount: Maximum of SEK 1 million per year for two years.

Closing date: October 25, 2024

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Travel grants – Royal Physiographic Society of Lund

Travel grants for junior researchers (Yngre Forskare). Travel grants are reserved for participation in conferences and workshops, for fieldwork and for research collaborations at another institution, preferably outside the Nordic region. Grants are for travel in the period November 26, 2024  - March 23, 2025 and are awarded at a standard flat rate depending on the destination of the applicant. 

Closing date: October 28, 2024

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Nätverksbidrag - Svenska Läkarsällskapet (SLS) 

SLS utlyser nu tre nätverksbidrag à 150 000 kr för att strukturellt stödja nationell klinisk behandlingsforskning. Behöriga ansökningar innefattar minst tre lärosäten, gärna regionala enheter från minst två discipliner och skall innehålla en beskrivning av nätverket, dess mål och syften samt CV från de huvudsökande. Ange kontaktuppgifter till huvudsökande i ansökan.

Closing date: October 31, 2024

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Forskningsanslag - Svensk Urologisk Förening och Percy Falks Stiftelse

Stiftelsen stöder vetenskaplig forskning, undervisning och studieverksamhet i Sverige rörande bröstcancer och prostatacancer. Tillgängligt belopp för utdelning är 2 000 000 kronor.

Closing date: November 1, 2024

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Research project - Novo Nordisk Foundation  

Foundations supports cardiometabolic research environment in the Nordic countries, while enhancing the use of ‘Danish Center for Strategic Research in Type 2 Diabetes’ (DD2) data, with a particular focus on promoting DD2 to new and external researchers. The purpose of the call ‘DD2 Research Grant’ is to promote cohort-related research within the field of cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs), while maintaining and improving a unique Danish type 2 diabetes (T2D) resource. Using DD2 data, projects supported by the ‘DD2 Research Grant’ should lead to better understanding, treatment and prevention of T2D complications, its interactions with other CMDs and improved quality of life for people with T2D. Projects must be anchored at a hospital, university, or other non-profit research institution in a Nordic country (Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden). The profile of main applicants may be experienced basic or experimental researchers or clinicians who are in the process of establishing themselves as independent researchers. Early-career researchers such as senior PhD’s, postdocs and assistant professors are encouraged to apply.

Closing date: December 10, 2024

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European calls


Research Grant - European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)

The research project should be undertaken by a health professional in the field of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. Projects will be funded up to a maximum of €45,000. The project must involve partners from at least three European countries. 

Closing date: 23 October 2024

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Biocodex Microbiota Foundation

The Biocodex Microbiota Foundation founds research projects focused on human gut microbiota related to health and disease. Every year, the call for proposals covers a specific theme chosen by an International Scientific Committee. Either clinical or fundamental research proposals can be submitted.

The maximal duration of the project will be 3 years.

The grant is open to physicians, PhD's and Pharm-D's working in the subject area (gastroenterology, pediatrics, microbiology, infectious diseases and internal medicine, etc).
There are no geographic limitations of applicants. Candidates from all countries are potentially eligible.

A principal investigator having already received a Biocodex Microbiota Foundation international grant cannot apply anymore. However, principal investigator of a National Grant can apply for the International Grant.

NB: Maximum 10% INDI is allowed.

Closing date: 30 November 2024. The call is repeated annually. 

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European Respiratory Society

The European Respiratory Society invites proposals for its clinical research collaborations programme. This supports projects within respiratory medicine, to build and maintain European multi-centre networks of researchers.

Collaborative platforms may involve multiple stakeholders, such as clinical researchers and translational researchers, with representatives from other specialties, including radiologists, biostatisticians, associated funding partners, patients.

Grants are worth up to €15,000 per year for up to three years.

Collaborative platforms may involve multiple stakeholders, such as clinical researchers and translational researchers, with representatives from other specialties, including radiologists, biostatisticians, associated funding partners, patients.

Closing date: 15 October 2024

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European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)

Grant amounts range from €10,000 to €15,000

NB: No overhead costs are covered and only direct costs will be funded.

This supports the strengthening of clinical, educational and basic science research in minimally invasive and robotic interventions as well as surgical data analysis by supporting novel research activities across the EAES. Research focusing on surgical quality, particularly those that use data analysis and artificial intelligence will receive bonus points. Special consideration will be given to:
•programmes developed for geographically and economically less advantaged areas within Europe;
•programmes aiming at excellence of up-coming young doctors in clinical and basic science of endoscopic surgery;
•programmes developed to build up networks of clinical and/or basic scientists in the field of endoscopic surgery across Europe.

The Research grant program is open to any investigator who is an EAES member currently in a surgery-related endoscopic or laparoscopic practice.

Closing date: 15 October 2024

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US calls

Federal Funding

Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Analysis of Existing Linked Datasets to Understand the Relationship between Housing Program Participation and Risk for Chronic Diseases and Other Conditions (R01-Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-DK-24-029

First Estimated Application Due Date: October 07, 2024 until September 08, 2027

Abstract: This Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) expresses the interest of the participating Institutes and Offices in the evaluation of the effects of housing program participation on risk for chronic diseases and conditions within the missions of the participating Institutes and Offices. Housing programs or policies of interest may be supported by federal, state, or local-level agencies or organizations. Applications in response to this NOSI must propose to evaluate existing datasets with housing program participation data that can be administratively linked to health outcome data. Projects that propose to evaluate longitudinal health outcomes are particularly encouraged.

More info: NOT-DK-24-029: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Analysis of Existing Linked Datasets to Understand the Relationship between Housing Program Participation and Risk for Chronic Diseases and Other Conditions (R01-Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (


Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Project Grants in Valvular Heart Disease (CAROL Act)

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-HL-23-079

First Estimated Application Due Date: June 05, 2023 until May 08, 2026

Abstract: As part of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s implementation of the Cardiovascular Advances in Research and Opportunities Legacy (CAROL) Act, this Notice of Special Interest is seeking R01 applications that propose research in valvular heart disease.

More info: NOT-HL-23-079: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research Project Grants in Valvular Heart Disease (CAROL Act) (


Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Development of Rapid Point-of-Care Hepatitis C Virus Diagnostics

Funding Opportunity ID: NOT-AI-23-001

First Estimated Application Due Date: February 05, 2023 until January 08, 2026.

Abstract: The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest is to announce that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) are encouraging applications in the area of translational research and development of rapid Point-of-Care diagnostics that will diagnose active viremic HCV infections. Applicants are encouraged to consult the target product profile for HCV diagnostics published by Reipold et al., BMC Infectious Diseases 2017, 17(Suppl 1):707 ( for additional preferred assay qualities and characteristics. In addition, the NCI has special interest in developing Point-of-Care testing for HCV diagnosis that will lead to further assessment of the liver damage, stage of fibrosis/cirrhosis and ultimately the risk for liver cancer.

More info: NOT-AI-23-001: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing Development of Rapid Point-of-Care Hepatitis C Virus Diagnostics (


Autism Science Foundation, US – 2024 Profound Autism Pilot Grants

Upcoming deadline: October 18, 2024 5:00 PM ET

Amount: $35,000 for one year, no indirect costs included.

Eligibility: Applicants for this award must be either enrolled in a pre-doctoral training program, or hold an M.D., Ph.D., EdD, or ScD and currently hold a position at a university or institution, or an organization with 501c3 status. Non-U.S. citizens may be enrolled in universities inside or outside of the U.S. Post-doctoral fellows may receive stipend support for a percentage of their effort spent on the project.

Abstract: While the Lancet definition does not specify the presence of severe, intense and dangerous behaviors, this RFA also includes research on severe and challenging behaviors including self-injury, aggression, PICA, wandering and irritability, which are prevalent in those with profound autism but not part of the Lancet definition.

This RFA specifically calls for:

1) pilot studies to identify or characterize the underlying biological mechanisms of profound autism (including model systems); 

2) examination of the preliminary efficacy of a behavioral or pharmacological treatment for core or co-morbid symptoms of profound autism or severe, intense and dangerous behaviors; 

3) projects which address challenges in recruitment, retention or data collection in individuals with profound autism.

For the purposes of this RFA, profound autism is defined as minimally or non-verbal, and/or IQ less than 50, and requiring the need for 24/7 care to ensure safety.  Individuals with Profound Autism may or may not exhibit severe and dangerous behaviors.  Research on severe and dangerous behaviors does not need to be exclusive to those with Profound Autism.

Preference will be given to those studies that include a control arm, or a group of those with non-profound autism.

Website:  Apply for a Profound Autism Pilot Grant - Autism Science Foundation


Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA), US – Keith Michael Andrus Cardiac Research Award

Upcoming deadlines: 01 Nov 2024 (LOI); 01 Feb 2025 (full proposal)

Amount: Maximum budget: $150,000 per year for 1 or 2 years.

Eligibility: FARA accepts LOIs from investigators from public and private nonprofit universities, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, government agencies, biotechnology/pharmaceutical companies, other for-profit entities; irrespective of the country of origin. FARA particularly encourages junior investigators to submit LOIs. 

Abstract: The Keith Michael Andrus Cardiac Research Award was made in honor of its namesake to remember Keith's legacy and to help advanced our understanding and treatment of the cardiomyopathy associated with FA. Proposals for this award should focus on advancing understanding and/or treatment of the cardiac involvement in FA.
Website:  Grant Program - Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (


Melanoma Research Alliance(MRA), US - Research Funding Opportunities for MRA Established Investigator, Established Investigator-AIP, Young Investigator Award on Advancing Translational Research for Uveal Melanoma

Upcoming deadlines: 01 Nov 2024 (LOI); 01 Feb 2025 (full proposal)

Amount:  Upper:  $900,000USD.

Eligibility:  Please see descriptions of and instructions for EIA, EIA-AIP, YIA, and Pilot Awards for specific details on eligibility, award terms, and amount, as well as instructions on how to apply.

Abstract: Uveal melanoma arises in the uveal tract of the eye accounting for approximately 5% of all melanoma cases in the United States. It has a very distinct disease biology and clinical features from the more common form of melanoma, cutaneous melanoma. Uveal melanoma is characterized by unique genomic features with the majority initiated by mutations that occur early in tumorigenesis leading to constitutive activation of the signaling pathway mediated by the Gαq/11-family of heterotrimeric G proteins. Different types of treatment modalities used for primary uveal melanoma can achieve local control in more than 90% of patients even though over 40% of patients ultimately develop metastases with the most common ones to the liver. In 2023, the FDA approved the Hepzato Kit (melphalan for Injection/Hepatic Delivery System) as a liver-directed treatment for adult uveal melanoma patients with unresectable liver metastases. Despite the progress, there is still a high unmet medical need to find other therapeutics to treat this disease.

With this Special Opportunity, MRA intends to issue an Established Investigator and/or Established Investigator-AIP, and Young Investigator Award for conducting translational research that will lead to more effective treatment of both primary and metastatic uveal melanoma. Research areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Identifying additional key vulnerabilities in uveal melanoma that help drive the disease;
  • Achieving an understanding of the reasons why uveal melanoma has a high propensity to metastasize to the liver;
  • Identifying and developing novel immune, targeted and combination approaches for preclinical testing in uveal melanoma models.

Website: MRA Research Funding Opportunities - Melanoma Research Alliance ( 


Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation (ACCRF), US- Grant Opportunities

Upcoming deadlines: Continuous.

Pilot grants: these awards are used to generate preliminary data or prove a concept that may be followed up with a larger proposal. These grants may be 1-4 pages in length. Decisions on submitted proposals usually are made in less than one month.

Full grants: Proposals may not exceed 10 pages (excluding biosketches). ACCRF aims to provide decisions on proposals within 2-4 months of submission.

Amount:  Pilot grants are available for up to $25,000. Full grants are typically for $100,000 to $300,000 over 1-3 years (with a historic maximum of $600,000).

Abstract: While investigator-initiated proposals are always welcome on any ACC-related topic, ACCRF is particularly focused on the following research topics:

  • MYB: mechanisms of action and therapeutic inhibition
  • NOTCH: mechanisms of action and therapeutic inhibition
  • Cell surface markers and related therapies
  • Tumor immune microenvironment and appropriate immunotherapies
  • Diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers
  • Cell lines and cultures.

Website: Grant Opportunities - Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation (