Caroline Ingre receives ALS grant from Neuroförbundet

Neuroförbundet distributes close to SEK 14 million to three ALS research projects. The research should contribute to better nursing, new medicines and precision medicines.
Senior physician Caroline Ingre at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience leads one of the research projects that has been awarded a share of SEK 4.5 million and is very pleased with the large grant.
- This is really great news. All of us in the project believe that the immune system is involved in the onset and development of ALS. This project will increase our understanding of immune cells in ALS. It will make a crucial difference for further drug development, says Caroline Ingre.
- It is the largest sum we at the Neuroförbundet have given out and the hope is that the contributions will be able to improve the lives of many, says Lise Lidbäck, chairman of the Neuroförbundet.
Thanks to a large legacy donation, the Neuroförbundet can distribute SEK 13.9 million to three projects. These should contribute to the improvement of care for families where an adult has ALS, to the development of new medicines and to the development of precision medicines that only target the main cause of the disease. In addition, several sub-projects will be implemented.
- It feels fantastic to be able to hand out such large contributions to research that can hopefully contribute to longer and better life chances, says Lise Lidbäck.