Lectures and seminars Faculty event: Paul Lichtenstein & Isabell Brikell

10-09-2024 11:00 am Add to iCal
Campus Solna Wargentin lecture hall

Speakers: Paul Lichtenstein & Isabell Brikell


The Psych4 project


We will talk about the Psych4 project where we want to elucidate the mechanisms for the association between early risks and mental health problems as well as intergenerational transmissions of psychiatric problems. We use the large population based registries in Sweden, including, among others, information on all psychiatric care, criminal convictions and suicides in Sweden for all first-degree relatives (>17 million individuals) since 1932, as well as a large number of quality registers.

We will talk about the painstaking process of obtaining the data linkage (which is now almost complete), what data are included and how we collaborate with other researchers.

About the speakers

Paul Lichtenstein is professor of genetic epidemiology at MEB. Primarily in psychiatric epidemiology.

Isabell Brikell is an assistant professor at MEB working at the intersection of psychiatric epidemiology, genetics, and pharmaco-epidemiology. Her main research focus is ADHD.

Join the faculty event in Wargentin! After the seminar, faculty lunch will be served in Ljusgården.