Lectures and seminars Faculty event: Gianluigi Savarese

04-06-2024 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Add to iCal
Campus Solna Wargentin lecture hall

Speaker: Gianluigi Savarese, Associate Professor of Cardiology and Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine and Consultant in Heart Failure Heart and Vascular Theme, Karolinska University Hospital


Real-world data for assessing and improving patient care, and enriching clinical trials 


Real world data is an emerging area of interest in the healthcare field. By using heart failure as a case study, aim will be to show the different areas where real-world data generation is key for clinical research and practice, and more specifically: 1) disease characterization and patient profiling; 2) measure/improve quality of care; 3) improve RCT design; 4) measure/monitor long-term effectiveness and safety and tolerability; 5) assess RCT generalizability; 6) running trials.

About the speaker

Gianluigi Savarese is an Italian/Swedish cardiologist, currently Associate Professor of Cardiology and Senior Lecturer at Karolinska Institutet (Department of Medicine Solna), and Heart Failure Specialist at the Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. Over the last few years, he has published ~300 articles on top peer reviewed journals. Major focus of his research is heart failure, with a particular interest in implementing use of guidelines recommended treatments, and phenotyping heart failure for improving clinical trial design. He is heavily involved in registry studies (Swedish Heart Failure Registry, ESC registries) and clinical trials, and he is expert in meta-analysis and big data analysis. He is Secretary of the Heart Failure Association and board member of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy of the European Society of Cardiology. Among others, he is Deputy Editor of EHJ-Open, EHJ-CR, and Associate Editor of European Journal of Heart Failure.

Join the faculty event in Wargentin! After the seminar, the faculty lunch will be served in Ljusgården.