ARC's new website moves to

The Aging Research Center (ARC) is an interdisciplinary research centre established in 2000 by Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, and a division of the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society at KI. ARC is now launching a new website which can be found at
The work of moving the website has been ongoing for a while, and now it's finally in place.
"Moving our website to offers several advantages. We now have both Swedish and English versions, thereby enhancing our visibility and accessibility, allowing us to disseminate ARC's remarkable research and activities to a broader audience, says Carin Lennartsson, Director and acting Section Head at ARC.”
The decision to relocate the site is aligned with Stockholm University, and the long-term collaboration between the two universities continues. This enables ARC researchers to conduct high-quality interdisciplinary research in areas such as ageing and health, equitable living conditions, geriatric epidemiology, and the psychology of ageing.