About SEK 37 millon to KI from the Swedish Research Council

Researchers at KI have received SEK 36,800,000 from the Swedish Research Council’s consolidator grant 2020. In total, SEK 217 million was distributed to 20 universities.
Konstantinos Ampatzis at the Department of Neuroscience receives the largest grant on SEK 12 million for his project “Neuronal and non-neuronal functions of neurotransmitter plasticity in health and disease: A non-invasive approach for preventing spinal cord neuro-degeneration”. The research is about exploring if changes in neurotransmission can contribute to spinal cord regeneration after an injury. The overall objective is to promote spinal cord regeneration and reinstate normal motor behavior.
“We have been working hard these past four years to establish a novel, concrete, and productive research line at Karolinska Institutet and in Sweden. I am pleased that the Swedish research council will provide all the necessary financial support to continue this challenging voyage to understand how the brain reacts to changes,” says Konstantinos.
The researchers that receive the grant are:
Konstantinos Ampatzis at the Department of Neuroscience, will receive funding of SEK 12,000,000.
Qiaolin Deng at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, will receive funding of SEK 9,800,000.
Martin Eklund at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, will receive funding of SEK 6,600,000.
Johan Ärnlöv at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, will receive funding of SEK 8,400,000.
Additionally, Samir El Andaloussi at the Department of Laboratory Medicine, received funding of SEK 12,000,000, but it was returned as he received 2020 European Research Council Consolidator Grant.