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The Conversation

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Gene expression of adipose stem cells in male and female mice varies depending on sex and type of adipose tissue
Martin Uhrbom et al, Nature Communications, September 2024

Mass screening for atrial fibrillation using ECG does not prevent stroke in older adults
Johan Engdahl et al, Circulation, September 2024

Potential cell of origin for childhood cancer neuroblastoma discovered
Ninib Baryawno et al, Molecular Cancer, August 2024

New insights into Alzheimer's disease risk genes in a rural Chinese population
Chengxuan Qiu et al, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, August 2024

Benefits of protein intake may outweigh disadvantages in older adults with chronic kidney disease
Adrián Carballo Casla et al, JAMA Network Open, August 2024

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