Ulf Hedin has been elected Alexander W. Clowes Distinguished Lecturer 2025

We congratulate Ulf Hedin, Professor of Experimental Vascular Surgery at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, who has been elected Alexander W. Clowes Distinguished Lecturer 2025.
Professor Ulf Hedin will hold the lecture ”From the rat carotid to carotid plaque instability - translational vascular surgery research in the footsteps of Dr Clowes” at the Society for Vascular Surgery's Vascular Research Initiatives Conference, VRIC, in Baltimore on April 22, 2025.
The Alexander W. Clowes Distinguished Lecture was established in memory of Dr. Alec Clowes, professor of surgery at the University of Washington and an internationally recognized vascular surgeon-scientist whose ground-breaking work spanned more than three decades and who had a profound impact on the specialty, the Society for Vascular Surgery and the SVS Foundation.