Two KI researchers win MedTechLabs´call for proposals

MedTechLabs has granted SEK 35 million for two new medical technology research programmes. One will develop a new method for monitoring foetal oxygenation during labour. The other will develop a new method for early diagnosis of brain diseases using MR-Elastography.
The MedTechLabs’ steering committee has decided to adopt two new research programmes that in different ways strengthen the centre's focus on conducting clinically relevant research.

The programme "Continuous lactate measurement and prevention of fetal hypoxia during delivery" is led by Malin Holzmann, associate professor at the Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, and senior physician at the Unit for Pregnancy
and Childbirth, Karolinska University Hospital, and Saul Rodriguez Duenas, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
Current fetal monitoring methods have weaknesses and the researchers in this new programme aim to improve them to reduce the risk of organ failure in the baby during delivery. This is an area of research that affects many patients and maternity services worldwide.
MRE for the brain

The second research programme “Clinical application of next generation brain magnetic resonance elastography for neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours” is led by Tobias Granberg, associate professor at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, and Rodrigo Moreno, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
MR-Elastography (MRE) is already used today to diagnose liver diseases but its complexity has so far hindered its clinical use for the diagnosis of brain diseases.
The main objective of this interdisciplinary programme is to enable MRE to be performed also for the brain and to evaluate its clinical utility in neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours.
Research in both programmes is expected to start in January 2024.
About MedTechLabs
MedTechLabs is an interdisciplinary centre for patient-oriented research that will contribute to breakthroughs in the development of medical technology that is relevant to the important challenges of healthcare and our major public diseases.
In all programmes, researchers and clinicians with both technical and medical expertise collaborate. The centre is run jointly by KTH, Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm.