NOR awards and KI Silver Medal ceremony

Thursday 20 February saw the latest round of NOR awards, at which 34 members of the KI staff were commended for their long, impeccable service. The recipients of the 2024 KI Silver Medal, Stephan Rössner and Carol Tishelman, were also celebrated during the ceremony.
The NOR (“For zeal and devotion in the service of the realm") awards are presented to people who have been in the employ of the state for 30 years, or 25 years for retirees. Forty-one awards were handed out this year and 34 of the recipients attended the ceremony to receive them.
In her speech, KI president Annika Östman Wernerson reflected upon the valuable part that the honourees of this important ceremony have played as role models for younger colleagues and students. Each of the recipients has made vital contributions to the “KI is us” spirit (news item continues).

“It is your ideas and drive that have helped bring about continual improvements to your places of work, and turned KI into a better employer and the leading medical university that it is today,” she said.
Medal for particularly valuable contributions
The occasion also celebrated the awarding of the 2024 KI Silver Medal, which Vice President Martin Bergö conferred upon two individuals who have made particularly valuable contributions to the university.
Professor emeritus Stephan Rössner was awarded the medal for his pioneering research on obesity, and Professor emerita Carol Tishelman for her important contributions to research, education and outreach.
The Chamber Music Ensemble of the Medical Students’ Association performed during the ceremony and Anna Lantz, curator at the Hagströmer Library, gave a talk titled “An extraordinary story” on the anatomical work from 1543 De Humani Corporis Fabrica (on the Fabric of the Human Body). The ceremony was followed by a three-course dinner.