More than SEK 98 million from the Swedish Research Council for clinical therapy research at KI

The Swedish Research Council has decided which applications have been awarded grants in clinical therapy research. In total, more than SEK 233 million will be granted for the years 2024-2027, of which SEK 98.5 million will be awarded to 13 researchers at Karolinska Institutet.
The purpose of the Swedish Research Council's grants is to provide support for clinical therapy research that are motivated by the needs of the healthcare system and that are expected to lead to patient and societal benefits within a relatively short period of time.
Clinical therapy research refers to both intervention and observational studies, and also includes areas such as prevention, diagnosis, follow-up, implementation, nursing and rehabilitation.
The grant will enable a constellation of researchers in regions and academia to collaborate with a common research goal.
When the Swedish Research Council presents the allocation for the years 2024-2027, 13 KI researchers are on the list.