KI's President a member of the government's life science council

The Swedish government has appointed an advisory group in the field of life science. The group includes experts from academia, industry and healthcare. KI's President Annika Östman Wernerson is one of the members of the group, whose purpose, among other things, is to contribute to the implementation of the national strategy for life science.
An advisory group for life science has been appointed to assist the Government Office's life science office.
The members of the expert group represent organisations that have an understanding of the system, an interest in contributing and a mandate and opportunity to change the conditions for Swedish life science.

"I'm really looking forward to contributing KI's expertise and experience to the advisory group for life science," says KI's President Annika Östman Wernerson. "KI was involved in the work on the strategy and the roadmaps, and it will be natural for us to continue the work with updating and continuing the implementation of the national strategy."
Focus on advice and knowledge
The group has an advisory role and the purpose is to disseminate knowledge and provide an up-to-date picture of developments in the field and to contribute to the implementation of the national strategy for life science.
"Sweden is successful in life science globally, but we can further strengthen our role. The conditions are good, we have a high level of education, strong research, extensive health data registers and biobanks, patients who are generally positive about being included in studies and a well-functioning collaboration between academia, healthcare and industry," says Annika Östman Wernerson.
Jessica Martinsson, CEO of the industry organization Sweden Bio, Gustaf Salford, CEO of the medical technology company Elekta, Anders Ahlsson, Director of Health and Medical Services in Region Stockholm, Ebba Fåhraeus, CEO of the life science incubator SmiLe, and Karin Forsberg Nilsson, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Uppsala University, are some of those who are now stepping in as members of the newly appointed group at the Government Offices.
The Government Office´s life science office is a coordination function within the agency that also works for collaboration and coordination within the sector.
The term of office of the advisory life science group extends until 31 August 2026.