KI researchers awarded funding for research programmes on harmful use in working life

Harmful use of, for example, alcohol and drugs in working life can lead to fatigue, increased sick leave and reduced productivity. Eight research projects are now being awarded a total of SEK 30 million by Afa Försäkring in a research programme aimed at reducing sick leave due to the harmful use of alcohol and/or drugs. Four of the researchers are from Karolinska Institutet (KI).
The following research projects at KI have received funding:
Magnus Johansson at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, is awarded SEK 4,188,000 for the project with the Swedish title: ”Effekter av att införa telefon- och internetbaserat stöd för skadligt bruk av alkohol via företagshälsan”. The purpose of the project is to analyse the difficulties in supporting people with harmful alcohol/drug use in occupational health care, and investigate how digital services can be used to reduce these problems.
Emelie Thern at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, is awarded SEK 3,771,000 for the project with the Swedish title: ”Kartläggning, determinanter och konsekvenser av riskbruk i arbetslivet”. The project will, among other things, identify occupational groups with elevated risks of the harmful use of alcohol, and investigate how it affects the position and opportunities of these occupational groups in working life.
Emma Brulin at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, is awarded SEK 3,929,000 for the project with the Swedish title: ”Skadligt bruk av alkohol och droger bland hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal i Sverige: förekomst, samsjuklighet, riskfaktorer i arbetsmiljö och effekter på patientarbetet”. The aim of the project is to investigate the prevalence, nature and extent of the harmful use of alcohol, drugs and medicines by healthcare professionals.
Katalin Gemes at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, is awarded SEK 1,930,000 for the project with the Swedish title: ”Övergång från måttligt till farligt drickande: riskfaktorer ur ett livsförloppsperspektiv”. The project will investigate the risks of moderate consumption of alcohol, especially in stressful life events and deteriorating mental health.