Introducing high-parameter full spectrum flow cytometry at the BFC

We are thrilled to announce the latest additions to our core facility. We have recently acquired two Sony ID7000 spectral analyzers, Alice and Howard. These analyzers are equipped with advanced features, including five lasers and an array of 147 detectors, enabling high-resolution spectral analysis.
In this post you will find a brief overview of the Sony ID7000 analyzer and we will also share some exciting news about our training and analysis services.
Sony ID7000 Analyzer: Unlocking the Potential of Spectral Analysis
With its advanced spectral detection capabilities, the Sony ID7000 analyzer allows for the simultaneous measurement of multiple fluorochromes with high resolution and minimal spectral overlap, allowing users to expand their panels to perform multiparameter data analysis and autofluorescence measurements.
Equipped with five lasers, including UV (355nm), violet (405nm), blue (488nm), yellow-green (562nm) and red (640nm), the Sony ID7000 analyzer offers flexibility in panel design and experimental setup. These lasers cover a wide range of excitation wavelengths, enabling researchers to utilize a diverse selection of fluorochromes and maximize the detection capacity of their experiments.
Free Training and Analysis (for a limited period)
To celebrate the arrival of the Sony ID7000 spectral analyzers, we are happy to offer free training and analysis services for a limited period. This opportunity allows BFC users to acquaint themselves with the capabilities of the Sony ID7000 analyzer, learn best practices and standard procedures at BFC.
Our team will guide you through the instrument's functionalities, unmixing and data analysis techniques to ensure optimal utilization of this cutting-edge technology.
Additionally, feel free to get started by watching Sony's webinar about the basics of spectral flow cytometry and the acquisition and analysis workflow on the Sony ID7000. You can access the link and enhance your knowledge of the Sony ID7000 analyzer and spectral flow cytometry prior to our practical training.
Watch the webinar
Stay tuned for more updates from the Flow Cytometry Core Facility at Biomedicum as we continue to invest in cutting-edge technologies to support your groundbreaking research!