HoliCare project welcomes African research partners for cross-continental collaboration

The Global Child Health and SDGs research group is currently hosting three researchers from the HoliCare project’s African partner institutions, namely Senegal, Ethiopia and Uganda. The aim of the exchange is research capacity building of local researchers in partnership with Africa-based research institutions that are project partners.
The research exchange programme entails researchers with clinical research interests being placed at KI for two weeks to receive hands-on training and exposure to our work environments and facilities. The programme is also designed to help these postgraduate students find future co-supervisors and/or mentors.
The three researched secondment here are Richard Migisha, Physiologist and Epidemiologist from Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda, Aminatou Abdoul Aziz Amadou Bawa, PhD Student in Biology and Human Pathologies at Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal and Hiwot Abayneh, MD and Associate Researcher at Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Ethiopia.
"During my visit I have had a truly enlightening experience. Attending two PhD defenses gave me insight into the exceptional research standards and dedication to excellence at KI. I was impressed by the cutting-edge care provided at the Sachs Children's Hospital, particularly in the intensive care units. The study tour of SciLifeLab showcased a conducive research environment, where researchers from across the country can access state-of-the-art facilities with minimal costs. What struck me most, however, was the warmth and hospitality of the people I met from KI, the hospital, and even on the streets. Everyone was so kind and welcoming! I look forward to revisiting this wonderful country and fostering collaborations with Swedish researchers, implementing the best practices I've learned from this experience", says Richard Migisha.
"It’s been a great pleasure hosting researchers from our African partner institutions under the HoliCare consortium. The short exchange period allowed us to share our work, capacitate the visiting researchers with a few clinical research skills and strengthen our collaboration beyond formal meetings and emails" says Phuthumani Mlotshwa, PhD student at the Department of Global Public health.
HoliCare consortium members in Sweden Tobias Alfvén, Giulia Gaudenzi and Phuthumani Mlotshwa from KI together with colleagues at KTH and Stockholm University have been responsible for the researchers hosted by Swedish research institutions.