FyFa Fika 2.0: Now we're up and running!

Wednesday 15 January saw FyFa's first updated weekly Fika - FyFa Fika 2.0 - with a new format for presentations and feedback. The first presenter was Harald Lund.
FyFa Fika 2.0 has now started with the first research fika of the semester. As planned, the session started with 15 minutes of mingling and coffee and continued with a presentation by Harald Lund entitled ‘Blood-to-neuron communication in the peripheral nervous system’.
Format from the Max Planck Institute
The format is inspired by a model from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig and is about mixing scientific collaboration with relaxed presentation training. The aim is for each FyFa Fika to include two presentations. Presenters will also receive feedback on their presentations and presentation techniques from fellow scientists in a ‘secret talk’ afterwards. As before, the first 15 minutes of each FyFa Research Fika will be devoted to mingling. Everyone is invited to sign up for a presentation session. Contact Pixi sabina.de.villiers@ki.se and sign up for a time that suits you.

Valuable input on presentation techniques
The first session was well attended and appreciated. Harald Lund, the first presenter in the new format, reflected on the session:
"It was great to see so many people there and I could sense some anticipation in the air for the new concept. I am grateful for the opportunity to present. To then sit down and discuss the presentation with three colleagues in this way is something I can't remember having done before, it definitely felt very luxurious! In addition to good questions on the science, I got valuable input on my presentation technique."
Nicolas Pillon and Sophie Erhardt present on Wednesday 22 January
Welcome to the next FyFa Fika! The next two weeks' presentations are as follows:
22 January: Presentation 1: Nicolas Pillon – Title: Inflammatory mediators regulating skeletal muscle remodeling, metabolism, and dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. Presentation 2: Sophie Erhardt – Title: From COVID-19 to schizophrenia - The role of the immune system and new treatment possibilities
29 January: Presentation 1: ISP seminar Andrea Lovincic Babic, supervisor: Camilla Svensson - Title: Development of novel, human in vitro models for the study of pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Presentation 2: Roelinde Middelveld will present up-coming grant opportunities.