Published: 11-06-2024 14:14 | Updated: 11-06-2024 14:29

Four KI researchers receive the Swedish Research Council's grant for international postdoc

Illustration: Getty Images.

In this spring's call for grants for international postdocs in medicine and health, the Swedish Research Council approved 9 out of 42 applications. Of these nine, four, Daniel Helldén, Klara Lenart, Yunbing Shen and Miranda Stiernborg, are researchers at KI. In total, almost SEK 36 million was granted for the period 2024–2027.

The purpose of the grant is to give researchers with a PhD from a Swedish university the opportunity to expand their network and expertise by working abroad under secure forms of employment. 

The grant is also intended to reward the quality and renewal of Swedish research. The grant period is 18-36 months starting in July 2024. This year, the grant amount has been increased to SEK 1,300,000 per year.

The four KI researchers who have been awarded grants:

Picture of Daniel Helldén in medical clothing.
Daniel Helldén. Photo: Private

Daniel Helldén, researcher at the Department of Global Public Health

Project: The impact of climate change on children's health - global evidence and examples from Canada (Klimatförändringarnas påverkan på barns hälsa - global evidens och exempel från Kanada).

Host country: Canada

Grant amount: SEK 4,050,000 over 3 years.

Klara Lenart.
Klara Lenart. Photo: N/A

Klara Lenart, researcher at the Department of Medicine, Solna 

Project: Mechanisms governing selection and lifetime of plasma cells (Mekanismer som styr selektion och livslängd av plasmaceller).

Host country: USA

Grant amount: SEK 3,900,000 over 3 years.

Yunbing Shen.
Yunbing Shen. Photo: N/A

Yunbing Shen, researcher at the Department of Medicine, Solna

Project: SynNotch CAR T-cells for better treatment of prostate cancer (SynNotch CAR T-celler för bättre behandling av prostatacancer).

Host country: USA

Grant amount: SEK 4,050,000 over 3 years.

Portrait photo of Miranda Stiernborg
Miranda Stiernborg. Photo: N/A

Miranda Stiernborg, researcher at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery

Project: Recurrent urinary tract infections in women despite antibiotic treatment: New methods that reveal the dynamics between host and bacterial flora (Återkommande urinvägsinfektioner hos kvinnor trots antibiotikabehandling: Nya metoder som avslöjar dynamiken mellan värd och bakteriefloran).

Host country: USA

Grant amount: SEK 3,900,000 over 3 years.