Elin Larsson appointed member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG)

Elin Larsson has been appointed to the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) to the HRP, i.e. the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction.

In 2022 Elin Larsson, principal researcher at the Department of Global Public Health, participated in the online yearly meeting as a temporary STAG member, as per usual practice, and this year she participated as a full member in the physical meeting held in Geneva 28 February to 2 March.
During the three days meeting presentations were held about the work, the progress during the last year and plans for the coming year, and provided scientific input. Elin was one of two main discussants for the research leadership and capacity strengthening unit.
"I hope to contribute with knowledge in my main areas of expertise in especially having experiences from several capacity strengthening initiatives, SRHR among vulnerable populations such as migrants, and contraception, and abortion. Further, being part of STAG also allows me to build networks and relationships to other researchers in SRHR, and to learn what is going on in the broad area of SRHR" says Elin Larsson.
Identifying research priorities on sexual and reproductive health and rights
HRP is the main body within the UN system for identifying research priorities on sexual and reproductive health and rights; for promoting, conducting, evaluating and coordinating related interdisciplinary research; for collaborating with countries to build national capacity to conduct research; and for promoting the use of research results in policy making and sexual and reproductive health programmes.
HRP is administered through the World Health Organization's Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH). The program supports and coordinates research globally, synthesizes research through systematic reviews of literature, and contribute to research capacity in low-income countries and develops dissemination tools to make efficient use of research evidence. HRP cover areas such as abortion, contraception, maternal and perinatal health, capacity building etc. health systems, gender etc.
HRP is guided by a Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG), which is the principal advisory body for HRP and meets annually to review progress in scientific studies, to recommend priorities and to advise on the allocation of resources STAG reviews the content, scope and dimensions of the Special Programme, including the research areas covered and approaches to be adopted; recommends priorities within the Special Programme, including all scientific and technical activities related to the Special Programme; provides a continuous and independent evaluation of the scientific and technical aspects of all activities of the Special Programme; and reviews the plans of action and the budget of the Special Programme during each financial period. A STAG member serve a three-year term.