Clinical therapy research grants to ten KI researchers

The Swedish Research Council has decided on the applications to be awarded grants within clinical therapy research. In total, almost SEK 210 million is granted for the years 2023-2027 to 28 researchers. Ten of them are researchers at Karolinska Institutet.
The purpose of the Swedish Research Council's grant is to provide support for clinical therapy studies that are justified by the needs of health and medical care and are expected to lead to patient and societal benefits within a relatively short period of time. The Swedish Research Council rewards research of the highest scientific quality in national competition.
The grant is awarded for up to four years and will enable a constellation of researchers in regions and academia to work towards a common research goal. Ten researchers at Karolinska Institutet have been awarded grants.
Research environment grant
Researcher: Katerina (Aikaterini) Chatzidionysiou at the Department of Medicine, Solna
Project title: "Effektivitet och säkerhet av tidig användning av IL-6 blockad versus kortison för behandling av artrit orsakad av checkpoint hämmare: en randomiserad, proof-of-concept, kontrollerad klinisk prövning" (Efficacy and safety of early use of IL-6 blockade versus cortisone for the treatment of arthritis caused by checkpoint inhibitors: a randomized, proof-of-concept, controlled clinical trial).
Grant: SEK 19,013,750
Researcher: Johan Engdahl at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital
Project title: "Randomiserad registerbaserad studie mellan standardiserad och utökad EKG-undersökning efter stroke eller TIA för att detektera förmaksflimmer och minska risken för stroke - AF SPICE" (Randomized register-based study between standardized and extended ECG examination after stroke or TIA to detect atrial fibrillation and reduce the risk of stroke - AF SPICE).
Grant: SEK 12,295,000
Researcher: Kristina Gemzell Danielsson at the Department of Women's and Children's Health
Project title: "Mifepriston och Letrozol jämfört med metotrexat för behandling av ektopisk graviditet - en randomiserad, kontrollerad, non-inferiority studie (MILE)"
(Mifepristone and Letrozole compared to methotrexate for the treatment of ectopic pregnancy - a randomized, controlled, non-inferiority study (MILE)).
Grant: SEK 10,917,929
Researcher: Erik Näslund at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital
Project title: "En randomiserad kontrollerad prövning av metabolkirurgi hos patienter med genomgången hjärtinfarkt" (A randomized controlled trial of metabolic surgery in patients with a history of myocardial infarction).
Grant: SEK 18,722,000
Researcher: Angelica Linden Hirschberg at the Department of Women's and Children's Health
Project title: "Immunmodulerande terapi för att återställa äggstockarnas funktion och förbättra fertiliteten hos kvinnor med autoimmun prematur ovariell insufficiens – en placebokontrollerad, randomiserad studie" (Immunomodulatory therapy to restore ovarian function and improve fertility in women with autoimmune premature ovarian failure - a placebo-controlled, randomised trial).
Grant: SEK 14,043,750
Project Grant
Researcher: Sverker Johansson at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Project title: "One size” passar ingen – utveckling av en personcentrerad adaptiv mobilhälsolösning för fysisk aktivitet efter stroke eller transitorisk ischemisk attack"
(“One size" fits no one – development of a person-centred adaptive mobile health solution for physical activity after stroke or transient ischemic attack).
Grant: SEK 1,115,318
Researcher: Peter Lindholm at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Project title: “Deltagande i internationell multicenterstudie för behandling av nekrotiserande fasciit med adjuvant hyperbar syrgas” (Participation in international multicenter study for the treatment of necrotizing fasciitis with adjuvant hyperbaric oxygen).
Grant: SEK 1,200,000
Researcher: Agneta Månsson-Broberg at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge
Project title: "Behandling av immuncheckpoint inhibitor relaterad myokardit"
(Treatment of immune checkpoint inhibitor related myocarditis).
Grant: SEK 1,140,075 SEK
Researcher: Mikael Tiger at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Project title: "Randomiserad klinisk prövning av anestesidosens betydelse vid elbehandling mot depression" (Randomized clinical trial of the importance of anesthetic sidosis in electroconvulsive therapy for depression).
Grant: SEK 1,200,000
Researcher: Vilija Oke at the Department of Medicine, Solna
Project title: "Rituximab behandling för patienter med auto-antikropps medierad fibromyalgi (RAFT), randomiserad dubbelblind placebo kontrollerad studie (RCT)" Rituximab treatment for patients with auto-antibody mediated fibromyalgia (RAFT), randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial (RCT)).
Grant: SEK 1,200,000