Work as an event host at the Welcome Day

On 24 January 2025, we are organising KI:s Welcome Day. As a KI student, you can apply for the job of Event Host. You will work during the Welcome Day ceremony and fair.
Quick facts about the mission
- Location: Aula Medica, campus Solna
- Date: Friday, January 24, 2005
- Time: 12:00 – 17:00
- Payment: 750 SEK
- Last day to apply: December 16, 2024
Working as an event host
As an event host, you are an important part of making the Welcome Day work. It is a social and fun job with varied tasks. Event hosts help out at the different stations during the ceremony and the fair. Tasks can include standing in the cloakroom, acting as an usher or helping with the backpack distribution.
As well as getting to know new people and having a super fun day at work, you'll also get some extra cash in your wallet and a great addition to your CV.
You will work together with other student ambassadors, as we are looking for a total of 12 event hosts.
The Welcome Day
The welcome day consists of a ceremony where, among others, KI:s president gives a speech. The ceremony also includes entertainment, research inspiration and much more. After the ceremony follows the fair. KI offers fika and student-related activities are in place. During the fair, the new students also pick up their KI backpack.
The application deadline is Monday, 16 December 2024.
You can apply by emailing Write a short cover letter introducing yourself and mentioning any previous experience with similar jobs. Recruitment is ongoing, so the role may be filled before the application deadline.