Published: 01-02-2019 15:27 | Updated: 02-09-2021 10:37
The Swedish Research Council’s Consolidator Grant of 12 million to Katja Petzold

Katja Petzold receives the Swedish Research Council’s consolidator grant for her project “Understanding ribosomal movements to develop new drug targets”.
She will be receiving the grant of 12 million SEK over six years, starting 2019.
“We want to use the money to strengthen our team from the preliminary search into new type of drug targets for antibiotics in the ribosome. As the number of multi-resistant bacteria against antibiotics increases, we are working to find new drug-able mechanisms, based on structural changes rather than conserved structures to increase specificity and decrease cross-species side-effects”, says Petzold, Senior Researcher at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics.