Published: 25-11-2022 13:09 | Updated: 25-11-2022 13:09
The Swedish Cancer Society awards NVS just over SEK 8.5 million

Genrepicture by Nattanan Kanchanprat downloaded from Pixabay.
Photo: Creative Commons CC0
Three researchers at NVS share the sum.
Anna Jervaeus, Division of Nursing, receives SEK 3 774 000 as fellowship prevention for ”Utveckling och införande av ett beslutstöd i svensk cancerscreening”
Philip von Rosen, Division of Physiotherapy, receives SEK 2 400 000 for the research project ”OPTIMIST-project: Primary prevention of different cancer types - precision health”
Yvonne Wengström, Division of Nursing, receives SEK 2 400 000 for the research project ”Physical exercise during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer as a means to increase pathological complete response rates: the randomized Neo-ACT trial”