Published: 30-10-2019 08:17 | Updated: 06-03-2020 16:48

The research group SOLIID receives funding from Vinnova to develop future development

SOLIID, a research group at the Medical Management Centre (MMC) at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and ethics, receives funding from Vinnova for the project "Utveckla framtidens utveckling - En arena för organisatoriskt lärande om innovativ utveckling inom vård och omsorg", loosely translated “Develop future development - an arena for organisational learning on innovative development in healthcare and social services".

Today's healthcare organizations face unprecedented challenges. Limited financial and human resources, combined with new needs, expectations and opportunities, imply that tomorrow's organisations need to increase their skills and their capacity to work with change and development with a much broader approach. This requires the development of functions with the task of supporting change management.

“Traditionally, support for development has been mostly about increasing, improving and creating. Now, you need to refine your ability to support based on tomorrow's need for transformation and optimisation. You need to pave the way for a joint commitment at all organisational levels”, says Monica Nyström, research group leader of SOLIID.

“The project would like to contribute to increasing the pre-requisites to enable long-term organisational competence and capacity for innovative and system-wide development within the Swedish welfare sector. The aim is to test and evaluate an interactive and innovative arena called “Utveckla framtidens utveckling” (UFU)”, she continues.

"UFU aspires to become a forum for innovative ideas and development enabling organisational issues to be raised and promoting new insight, knowledge, skills and new ideas, as well as tools, networks and an increased innovative development force".

UFU combines several areas of knowledge with a system view and generic models in three learning cycles. Developers from two regions participate in the pilot project which runs for two years. There will also be opportunities for developers from other organisations to participate.

"UFU has an interactive approach, combining workshops, learning networks and in-house interventions based on action-oriented learning. Research, exchange of experience, learning, practical action and capacity building are woven together to create new synergies."

Co-applicants come from Luleå University of Technology, Umeå University as well as at a strategic level from two regions: Västerbotten and Uppsala. The application and setup have been developed in collaboration with the above mentioned parties as well as with persons from the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), Governo AB and key actors from other regions. Granted funds: 1,6 MSEK.
