The project ’Spetspatienter’ presents poster based on the work of ParkWell at World Parkinson Congress in Kyoto, Japan
ParkWell is a Swedish self-tracking app for improving neurology visits for Parkinson’s disease.

The poster, based on the work of ParkWell, is presented by Birgitta Björnek from AbbVie AB, Therese Scott Duncan from Karolinska Institutet, and Eleonor Högström and Inger Lundgren, both from Parkinsonförbundet.
The project "Spetspatienter – en ny resurs för hälsa" (Lead Patients – a new resource for health) is operated by Karolinska Institutet with funding from Vinnova.
A lead patient is a patient (or informal care giver) who develops strategies and methods to maximize their ‘feel-well-time’, while living with a life-altering illness.
The persons involved in the project "Spetspatienter" believe that self-care education and access to the right tools will result in more lead patients and will contribute to increasing the interactions between patients and other stakeholders. You can read more about the project at Dagens Patient.