The Crown Princess visits Rolf Luft Research Center at MMK

On November 9, 2021, the Rolf Luft Research Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Karolinska Institutet, was visited by the Crown Princess Victoria. Ongoing research on diabetes was presented to her and a visit to the laboratory was also included.

Professor Per-Olof Berggren welcomed and told how the work in the laboratory has developed since the previous visit in 2013. He discussed the use of the eye to understand how diabetes develops and can be prevented/cured and how it can be used to study other diseases.
Professor Lisa Juntti-Berggren talked about how a reduction in apolipoprotein CIII can prevent both obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Senior Professor Kerstin Brismar talked about how to prevent and treat late diabetic complications such as difficult-to-heal foot ulcers, kidney damage and cardiovascular disease and how to prevent type 2 diabetes in people at high risk.
Visit to the laboratory
The Crown Princess visited the laboratory to see how the eye can be used as a tool for studying type 1 and type 2 diabetes.