Published: 23-09-2024 09:26 | Updated: 23-09-2024 09:32

Support Lea Stark at Forskar Grand Prix Digital

Marbles with one in the middle standing out from the others.
Image: SplitShire, Pixabay

Lea Stark is one among five competitors in the Forskar Grand Prix Digital, where she will present a key aspect of her research in just four minutes.

Forskar Grand Prix Digital provides an opportunity for Lea Stark to develop her skills in communicating scientific work in Swedish, reflecting her long-standing interest in working with older adults that began twelve years ago at the University Hospital of Heidelberg in Germany.

Lea’s presentation will introduce the novel concept of physical resilience in older adults, an area of research at the Aging Research Center. The competition aims to present information in an inclusive, engaging, and understandable way for the general public.

Supported by Formas, Forte, The Swedish Research Council and Vinnova, and organised by Vetenskap & Allmänhet, the contest will take place between 23–27 September 2024, during ForskarFredag, the European Researchers' Night in Sweden. During this period, you can view Lea’s presentation and cast your vote on the event’s homepage.

Each contestant is rated using a star system, where 1 star is the lowest and 5 stars is the highest. Your vote could help her advance to the national final in November 2024.

Support Lea Stark and ARC’s research by voting for her presentation (in Swedish)