Sjöberg Foundation's Call for Project Grants for Cancer Research 2025
In 2025, the Sjöberg Foundation will, as in previous years, provide grants for cancer research in the following research areas:
- Preventive measures and care, including complementary and integrative medicine, and measures against long-term complications,
- Early diagnosis and hard-to-treat cancer with poor prognosis, as well as "drug repurposing".
Within the above research areas, various research groups within the country's university hospitals (regions) can also submit a joint larger application (> 7,500,000 SEK) for grants to build and consolidate a national network for research. The application should have a strong link between translational and clinical research, involving well-functioning quality registers and biobanks linked to concrete clinical issues, preferably within the framework of national clinical studies. Other types of multiprofessional clinical collaboration may also be relevant, such as studies regarding care- and therapy-oriented studies.
In accordance with the donor's wishes, we welcome applications concerning unconventional medicines/treatment methods.
The process is, as in previous years, divided into two rounds. In the first round, the application is made in the form of a project proposal.
These are submitted during the period 2025-02-01 to 2025-03-31.
The project proposals are evaluated by the foundation's scientific council, which makes recommendations to the board. The board then decides which project proposals will proceed and informs the applicants around 2025-06-10 which projects will proceed for full grant applications and which are rejected.
The second round includes these selected projects, for which grant applications must be submitted no later than 2025-09-10. The applications are evaluated by our scientific council, which makes its recommendation to the board. The board then makes a decision and informs the applicants around 2025-12-20 which projects have been selected for grants and the size of the grants.
Project proposals are registered during the period 2025-02-01 to 2025-03-31 on the foundation's website under the 'Grants' tab and should include:
Applicant's details
- Research area (as above)
- Project title (< 225 characters)
- Description (question, background, and research program, < 5,000 characters)
- Requested amount (maximum 2,500,000 SEK/year for a maximum of 3 years)
- Total project budget and any other financiers (< 2,000 characters)
- Timeline (< 2,000 characters)
Expected results (expected results and expected time when the results can be applied, and the significance for patients and healthcare, < 2,000 characters)
For projects that are a continuation of previously funded projects by the foundation, the expected achieved results when the current funding ends should be reported under 'background.'
The foundation has no restrictions on how many ongoing projects it finances for a particular researcher.
Questions are answered by Ingemar Sjöberg ( or by the chairman of the scientific council, Lars Ny (
The Sjöberg Foundation established by Bengt Sjöberg in 2016, aims to support cancer research. We do this by funding research projects in the field and also awarding an international scholarship, the 'Sjöberg Prize,' of 1 million USD to cancer researchers.
The majority of the foundation's returns are distributed annually to research projects. In 2024, sixteen projects were granted a total of 81 million SEK in funding.