Share your opinions on RESPI

Our goal is for RESPI to continue improving to provide the best possible support. Therefore, we now want to hear our users' opinions on the website, which can give us valuable input for the continued development of RESPI.
The website Recommendations for Suicide Prevention Interventions (RESPI) was launched in 2018 by NASP, commissioned by the Health and Medical Care Administration in Region Stockholm, and then scaled up to reach everyone working with the implementation of suicide preventive activities at the national level. The purpose RESPI is to provide information on evidence-based population-level interventions to reduce suicidal behavior. This information can, in turn, be used as a basis in decision-making processes regarding which suicide prevention interventions should be implemented in a municipality, region, or organisation. The content is periodically updated with the latest evidence about relevant interventions.
You can access the survey by visiting The survey only takes a few minutes to complete, and your feedback is very important to us. Please note that the survey is in Swedish.